Couch R-I Student Handbook

Couch High School Welcome Statement

Welcome! At CHS, you will experience…
  • caring, professionally trained educators
  • prevailing belief that every student will be successful, whatever it takes, no excuses
  • safe, supportive, and well-managed learning environment
  • motivating lessons and rigorous activities designed to achieve mastery
  • high expectations for intellectual development, positive citizenship, and quality student work

Couch High school is a cooperative enterprise on the part of the students, teachers, support staff, parents, and administration that work together for the common interest of all. Remember to treat each other and our school with dignity and respect. We welcome everyone in the community to share, with PRIDE, our school’s progress.


Message from the High School Principal

Welcome to the Couch High School 2024-2025 school year. It is my hope that you will take advantage of all the educational programs and extracurricular activities CHS has to offer. I expect our school to stimulate your interest in lifelong learning and our teachers and staff to provide positive support and high quality instruction.

The Couch Board of Education approved this handbook with the hope that students and parents would have a clear understanding of our expectations for student success. The policies and procedures contained in this handbook are designed to assist students in getting the most from their educational experience.

Student success requires a collaborative effort between the educator, student, parents and community. Beyond academic obligations, the promotion of civic responsibility and character development are crucial to the success of our students. My expectations for all students include:

  • attending school on a daily basis
  • putting forth academic effort to produce quality work
  • exhibiting a positive attitude, while respecting others
  • practicing self-discipline; and taking pride in school

If you have any questions after reading this handbook, please do not hesitate to contact the school. Together we can make a positive impact in each other’s lives and take our school and students to the next level of greatness!

Anthony Collins
Anthony Collins
High School Principal


Message from the Counselor

To the Students of Couch High School:

At Couch High School, we believe that the education of all students is important, regardless of their plans following high school. We realize that a large number of our graduates will choose to attend a community or 4-year college/university, others may go directly into the workforce or the military, and still others may seek additional training at a post-secondary vocational school or technical school. The state A+ Schools program is designed to ensure that no matter which option is chosen, all high school students will be provided selections of courses, career counseling, technology and/or workplace skill development opportunities appropriate to their career goals.

The A+ Schools Program is dedicated to the following goals: all students will graduate from high school, all students will complete a high school curriculum that is rigorous and challenging and identifies learner expectations, and all students will proceed from high school graduation to college, post-secondary vocational/technical school or a high wage job with workplace skill opportunities.

For the new school year, the A+ Program will continue to have Career Day, job shadowing experiences, participate in Career/Job Fairs, and provide tutoring opportunities during and after school. I hope that you take advantage of some or all of the activities that will be taking place.

Students who have signed an A+ Agreement and have met all the requirements will be eligible to be reimbursed for two years of tuition at any Missouri public community college or vocational/technical school. These schools will provide training and skills that will increase your earning power and job satisfaction for a lifetime or will allow you to transfer to a four year college or university where you can earn a bachelor’s degree or higher.

Our main goal is to help each one of you and for all students to graduate with direction and confidence to enter the workforce in a high-wage job or go on to further education and training. I will be more than happy to discuss the A+ Program with you or your parents. This is an excellent program for any student because it is based on your efforts instead of financial need. I hope that each one of you will take advantage of the program. I look forward to working with you during this new school year.

Destini Ball
Destini Ball
Counselor/A+ Coordinator


Couch School District Mission Statement

The mission of Couch R-I School District is to provide experiences that will enhance the skills and talents students possess in order to prepare them for life.


Philosophy of Couch R-I Schools

The Couch R-I School District recognizes that the purpose of education is to help the student realize his/her self-worth and thus leading them toward becoming a productive member of a democratic society. A strong emphasis must be placed upon the fundamentals of academic, physical, and technical skills as well as social and democratic values. The district adheres to the belief that cooperation among parents, educators, students, and community is essential for success.

Each student is a unique individual; therefore, we believe that education should provide an opportunity for the maximum development of each individual within the limitations of his/her capacities. We believe that the student must take responsibility for his/her education as an opportunity to enhance his/her skills and talents as a guide to becoming a productive member of society. Students should internalize ownership of the knowledge and skills they gain while attending Couch R-I School.

We recognize the role of the educator is to provide an environment in which individuals can be challenged to the maximum level of their capacity, as they acquire knowledge and skills to solve problems which will help them to become productive members of society. We recognize that the role of the parents/guardians is to encourage their child each day to give his/her best effort to maximum education.


Couch School Song

Onward we march together
Faithful may we ever be
No thought of time or weather
Hearts filled with hop and ecstasy
Bravely we’ll fight our battles
Happily we’ll meet success
But the things for which we strive
Are honor and happiness

Hep – Hep – Hep
Three cheers for old Couch High
Voices ring
Hep – Hep – Hep
Just see our colors fly
While we sing
Forward march
Let this our motto be

Through all kinds of weather
We will job along together
True and loyal we shall ever be.



Board of Education

Thomas Smith - President
Dr. David Newman - Vice President
Derrick Bennett - Secretary
Brent Morgan - Treasurer
Anthony McIntare - Member
Nichole Roy - Member
Jeffrey Roberts - Member


Samantha Broyles - Sixth Grade
Lisa Crowder - Business/Yearbook/FBLA
Adam Crowder - JH/HS Boys Asst. Basketball
Charles Czerwonka - Science
Sara Guy - Preschool
Tina Hicks - Second Grade
Jared Hitch - JH/HS History
Kathryn Huddleston - Librarian
Rachel Lawrence - Agriculture/FFA
David Miller - PE/AD/Girls Basketball
Michaela Morgan - JH/HS Resource
Karen Mullins - Kindergarten
Natalie Myers - Math
Renea Parker - Art
Sonya Pierce - Fourth Grade
Justin Reigel - Boys Basketball
Gretchen Royer - Family and Consumer
Daryl Shields - JAG
Ryan Shields - Elementary Resource
Jordan Shultz - Math/PE/Foreign Language
Linda Smith - Third Grade
Maggie Smith - JH/HS English
Scott Smith - Fifth Grade
Kim Walker - First Grade


Katie Janes - Superintendent
Anthony Collins - High School Principal
Rachel Wiggs - Elementary Principal
Rhonda Arnold - Cook
Destini Ball - Counselor/A+
Samantha Barnes - High School Admin
Melissa Bennett - Bookkeeper
Kalie Clayton - Paraprofessional/PAT
Kayla Collins - Speech and Language Assistant
Ariana Cox - Custodian
Amelia Crowder - School Nurse
Brooke Garretson - ISS/At-Risk
Carla Garrison - Accounts Payable, MOSIS
Mike Hendrix - Maintenance/Custodian
Robert Hilderbrand - Maintenance/Custodian
LaWanda Johnson - Head Cook
Phillip O’Neil - Bus Driver
Ashley Price - Music
Matt Simmons - Bus Driver
Jovanette Smith - At Risk/Title I
Judy Taylor - Elementary Admin
Larmon VanWinkle - Technology
Paula Worthy - Cook
Peggy Yount - Full-Time Substitute


Class Sponsors

Class Sponsor
Seventh Michaela Morgan, Charles Czerwonka
Eighth Rachel Lawrence, Daryl Shields
Ninth Destini Ball, Jordan Shultz
Tenth Lisa Crowder, Renea Parker
Eleventh Gretchen Royer, Maggie Smith
Twelfth Jared Hitch, Natalie Myers/td>


Extra-Curricular Activity Sponsor

Activity Sponsor
A+ Destini Ball
Art Club Renea Parker
Athletics David Miller
Boys Spring Baseball Charles Czerwonka
Boys Basketball Justin Reigel
Cross Country Jordan Shultz
FACS Gretchen Royer
FBLA Lisa Crowder
FFA Rachel Lawrence
Girls Basketball David Miller
Volleyball Amelia Crowder
Brooke Garretson
Pep Club Renea Parker
Jr. High Quiz Bowl Maggie Smith
Sr. High Quiz Bowl Maggie Smith
Jr. High Boys Basketball Jared Hitch
Jr. High Girls Basketball Daryl Shields
Library Club Kathy Huddleston
Science Club Charles Czerwonka
Student Council (JH & HS) Natalie Myers
Yearbook Lisa Crowder
Youth for Christ Gretchen Royer
Track & Field Daryl Shields
JAG Specialist Daryl Shields
JH Volleyball Amelia Crowder
Brooke Garretson
Softball David Miller
Sponsor Activity
Destini Ball A+
Charles Czerwonka Boys Spring Baseball
Science Club
Amelia Crowder Volleyball/JH VolleyBall
Lisa Crowder FBLA
Brooke Garretson Volleyball/JH Volleyball
Jared Hitch Jr. High Boys Basketball
Kathy Huddleston Library Club
Rachel Lawrence FFA
David Miller Athletics
Girls Basketball
Natalie Myers Student Council (JH & HS)
Renea Parker Art Club
Pep Club
Justin Reigel Boys Basketball
Gretchen Royer FACS
Youth for Christ
Daryl Shields JAG Specialist
Jr. High Girls Basketball
Track & Field
Jordan Shultz Beta Club
Cross Country
Maggie Smith Jr./Sr. High Quiz Bowl


Counseling Department

Students are encouraged to make arrangements with the guidance office to meet with the counselor for individual counseling. Specific services of the counseling department are pre-enrollment, schedule changing, providing vocational, education, occupational information, helping with college planning, and providing contact with colleges and universities. The counselor also administers tests and interprets the test results to students and parents.
