Couch R-I Student Handbook


The Board of Education shall provide free public education to all students who are residents of the school district and who are between the ages of five (5) and 21 years and who otherwise qualify for admission under Missouri law unless otherwise required by federal law. Federal law also requires the district to provide services to resident students qualifying for special education services between the ages of three (3) and 21. Any senior qualifying for graduation at the end of the school semester and attaining age 21 during the course of the semester may complete that particular semester tuition free. Persons seeking admission to the district and its instructional programs must satisfactorily meet all residency, academic, age, immunization, discipline and other eligibility prerequisites as established by Board policy and law. Students who are homeless will be admitted in accordance with Board policy and law. Students who transfer to the district from another district will be placed in accordance with Board policy.

The minimum age for enrollment in Kindergarten is the age of five (5) as of August 1st of the year of enrollment. Any student who has been enrolled in a Kindergarten program in another state for a period of not less than sixty (60) days, and who will become five (5) during the school year in which he/she is enrolled in Kindergarten, and whose parents or guardians establish domicile in their school district, may be enrolled in Kindergarten upon the written request of the student’s parent or guardian.

The minimum age for enrollment in first grade shall be six (6) before August 1st of the year of initial enrollment if the child has completed a Kindergarten program prior to enrollment. Any six (6) year old child who has not completed a Kindergarten program prior to enrollment in the Couch School District shall be evaluated by the principal or designee. The child will be placed in the first grade if the evaluation results indicate that the child is ready for enrollment at the first grade level. If the evaluation results indicate that the child is not ready for enrollment at the first grade level, the child will be enrolled in Kindergarten.

A copy of the birth certificate, social security card, and immunization record is required at the time of admission. Students who do not have immunization records available will not be allowed to enroll until appropriate records are received. Also, students enrolling in Kindergarten or first grade must provide proof of a comprehensive vision examination by January 1st of the first year in the district, in accordance with the law.

Before a student can be admitted, to any grade 1st through 6th, written evidence must be presented that he/she has been promoted to the grade in which he/she is seeking enrollment. Home schooled students will be evaluated by the principal or designee to determine placement.

Requests for Student Records

Within two (2) business days of enrolling a student, the school official enrolling the student shall request those records required by district policy for student transfer, including discipline records, from all schools previously attended by the student within the last 12 months.

Within 48 hours of enrolling a nonresident student placed in the district pursuant to §§ 210.481-.536, RSMo., via foster homes, residential care facilities or child-placing agencies, the school official enrolling the student shall request those records required by district policy for student transfer, including discipline records, from all schools and facilities previously attended by the student; the Department of Social Services; the Department of Mental Health; the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education; and any entity involved with the placement of the student within the last 24 months.

Statement of Prior Suspension, Expulsion or Criminal Offense

The Board of Education requires the parent, guardian or other person having control or charge of a child of school age to provide upon enrollment a signed statement indicating whether the student has been suspended or expelled from a public or private school in this state or any other state for an offense in violation of Board policies. In addition, the person enrolling the student must affirm that the student has not been convicted of or charged with an act listed in the "Admission Restriction" section of this policy. This registration document shall be maintained as a part of the student's scholastic record.

Students Suspended or Expelled from another District

Without the superintendent or designee permission, no student may enroll in a school in the district during a suspension or expulsion from another in-state or out-of-state school district, including a private, charter or parochial school or school district, if it is determined upon attempt to enroll that the student's conduct would have resulted in a suspension or expulsion in this district. The parent, guardian or student may request a conference with the superintendent or designee to consider if the conduct of the student would have resulted in a suspension or expulsion in this district. The superintendent or designee may make such suspension or expulsion from another district effective if it is determined that such conduct would have resulted in a suspension or expulsion in this district. If it is determined that such conduct would not have resulted in a suspension or expulsion in this district, the superintendent or designee shall not make such suspension or expulsion from another school or district effective. The superintendent or designee will consider whether the student has received the due process required by law before making any decision. A remedial conference will be held in accordance with Board policy prior to enrollment of any student following a suspension or expulsion from another school for an act of school violence as defined in § 160.261.2, RSMo. The remedial conference will be held regardless of whether such act was committed at a public or private school in this state, provided that such act shall have resulted in the suspension or expulsion of such student in the case of a private school.

Admission Restriction

In accordance with § 167.171, RSMo., no student may be readmitted or enrolled to a regular program of instruction in the school district who has been convicted of or charged with an act that if committed by an adult would be one (1) of the following:

  • First degree murder under section 565.020, RSMo
  • Second degree murder under section 565.021, RSMo
  • Kidnapping when classed as a Class A felony under section 565.110, RSMo
  • First degree assault under section 565.050, RSMo
  • Forcible rape under section 566.030, RSMo
  • Forcible sodomy under section 566.060, RSMo
  • Robbery in the first degree under section 569.020, RSMo
  • Distribution of drugs to a minor under section 195.212, RSMo
  • Arson in the first degree under section 569.040, RSMo
  • Statutory Rape section 566.032 RSMo
  • Statutory Sodomy Section 566.062 RSMo

Nothing in this section shall prohibit the re-admittance or enrollment of any student if a charge has been dismissed or when a student has been acquitted of any of the above acts. This section does not apply to a student with a disability, as identified under state eligibility criteria, who is convicted as a result of an action related to the student’s disability. If the district maintains an alternative education program, and the district determines that the placement is appropriate, a student subject to these admissions restrictions may be admitted to such an alternative education program.
