Couch R-I Student Handbook

Computer Use Policy

The Couch R-1 School District's technology exists for the purpose of enhancing the educational opportunities and achievement of district students. Research shows that students who have access to technology improve achievement. In addition, technology assists with the professional enrichment of the staff and increases engagement of students' families and other patrons of the district, all of which positively impact student achievement. The district will periodically conduct a technology census to ensure that instructional resources and equipment that support and extend the curriculum are readily available to teachers and students. Board approved technology policies are EHB and EHBA and can be found online at the Couch R-1 website.

Beginning in the 2021-2022 school year high school students will receive a Chromebook. More information about student Chromebooks, including this handbook, can be found at the school’s website:

Technology Usage Policy

The purpose of this policy is to facilitate access to district technology and to create a safe environment in which to use that technology. Because technology changes rapidly and employees and students need immediate guidance, the superintendent or designee is directed to create procedures to implement this policy and to regularly review those procedures to ensure they are current.


For the purposes of this policy and related procedures and forms, the following terms are defined:

Technology Resources
Technologies, devices and services used to access, process, store or communicate information. This definition includes, but is not limited to: computers; modems; printers; scanners; fax machines and transmissions; telephonic equipment; mobile phones; audio-visual equipment; Internet; electronic mail (e-mail); electronic communications devices and services, including wireless access; multimedia resources; hardware; and software. Technology resources may include technologies, devices and services provided to the district by a third party.
Any person who is permitted by the district to utilize any portion of the district’s technology resources including, but not limited to, students, employees, School Board members and agents of the school district. User Identification (ID): Any identifier that would allow a user access to the district’s technology resources or to any program including, but not limited to, e-mail and Internet access.
A unique word, phrase or combination of alphabetic, numeric and nonalphanumeric characters used to authenticate a user ID as belonging to a user.

Authorized Users

The district's technology resources may be used by authorized students, employees, School Board members and other persons approved by the superintendent or designee, such as consultants, legal counsel and independent contractors. All users must agree to follow the district’s policies and procedures and sign or electronically consent to the district's User Agreement prior to accessing or using district technology resources, unless excused by the superintendent or designee. Use of the district’s technology resources is a privilege, not a right. No potential user will be given an ID, password or other access to district technology if he or she is considered a security risk by the superintendent or designee.

User Privacy

A user does not have a legal expectation of privacy in the user's electronic communications or other activities involving the district’s technology resources including, but not limited to, voice mail, telecommunications, e-mail and access to the Internet or network drives. By using the district's network and technology resources, all users are consenting to having their electronic communications and all other use monitored by the district. A user ID with email access will only be provided to authorized users on condition that the user consents to interception of or access to all communications accessed, sent, received or stored using district technology. Electronic communications, downloaded material and all data stored on the district’s technology resources, including files deleted from a user’s account, may be intercepted, accessed, monitored or searched by district administrators or their designees at any time in the regular course of business. Such access may include, but is not limited to, verifying that users are complying with district policies and rules and investigating potential misconduct. Any such search, access or interception shall comply with all applicable laws. Users are required to return district technology resources to the district upon demand including, but not limited to, mobile phones, laptops and tablets.

Technology Safety

To protect district technology, employees must have approval from the district’s technology director before personal cell phones or computers can be synchronized with the district’s network.

Technology Administration

The Board directs the superintendent or designee to assign trained personnel to maintain the district’s technology in a manner that will protect the district from liability and will protect confidential student and employee information retained on or accessible through district technology resources. Administrators of district technology resources may suspend access to and/or availability of the district’s technology resources to diagnose and investigate network problems or potential violations of the law or district policies and procedures. All district technology resources are considered district property. The district may remove, change or exchange hardware or other technology between buildings, classrooms or users at any time without prior notice. Authorized district personnel may install or remove programs or information, install equipment, upgrade any system or enter any system at any time.

Content Filtering and Monitoring

The district will monitor the online activities of minors and operate a technology protection measure (“content filter”) on the network and all district technology with Internet access, as required by law. In accordance with law, the content filter will be used to protect against access to visual depictions that are obscene or harmful to minors or are child pornography. Content filters are not foolproof, and the district cannot guarantee that users will never be able to access offensive materials using district equipment. Evading or disabling, or attempting to evade or disable, a content filter installed by the district is prohibited. The superintendent, designee or the district's technology administrator may fully or partially disable the district's content filter to enable access for an adult for bona fide research or other lawful purposes. In making decisions to fully or partially disable the district's content filter, the administrator shall consider whether the use will serve a legitimate educational purpose or otherwise benefit the district.

Online Safety, Security and Confidentiality

In addition to the use of a content filter, the district will take measures to prevent minors from using district technology to access inappropriate matter or materials harmful to minors on the Internet. Such measures shall include, but are not limited to, supervising and monitoring student technology use, careful planning when using technology in the curriculum, and instruction on appropriate materials. The superintendent, designee and/or the district's technology administrator will develop procedures to provide users guidance on which materials and uses are inappropriate, including network etiquette guidelines. All minor students will be instructed on safety and security issues, including instruction on the dangers of sharing personal information about themselves or others when using email, social media, chat rooms or other forms of direct electronic communication. Instruction will also address cyberbullying awareness and response and appropriate online behavior, including interacting with other individuals on social networking websites and in chat rooms. This instruction will occur in the district's computer courses, courses in which students are introduced to the computer and the Internet, or courses that use the Internet in instruction. Students are required to follow all district rules when using district technology resources and are prohibited from sharing personal information online unless authorized by the district.

All district employees must abide by state and federal law and Board policies and procedures when using district technology resources to communicate information about personally identifiable students to prevent unlawful disclosure of student information or records. All users are prohibited from using district technology to gain unauthorized access to a technology system or information; connect to other systems in evasion of the physical limitations of the remote system; copy district files without authorization; interfere with the ability of others to utilize technology; secure a higher level of privilege without authorization; introduce computer viruses, hacking tools, or other disruptive/destructive programs onto district technology; or evade or disable a content filter.

Closed Forum

The district’s technology resources are not a public forum for expression of any kind and are to be considered a closed forum to the extent allowed by law. The district’s web page will provide information about the school district, but will not be used as an open forum. All expressive activities involving district technology resources that students, parents/guardians and members of the public might reasonably perceive to bear the imprimatur of the district and that are designed to impart particular knowledge or skills to student participants and audiences are considered curricular publications. All curricular publications are subject to reasonable prior restraint, editing and deletion on behalf of the school district for legitimate pedagogical reasons. All other expressive activities involving the district’s technology are subject to reasonable prior restraint and subject matter restrictions as allowed by law and Board policies.

Records Retention

Trained personnel shall establish a retention schedule for the regular archiving or deletion of data stored on district technology resources. The retention schedule must comply with the Public School District Records Retention Manual as well as the General Records Retention Manual published by the Missouri Secretary of State. In the case of pending or threatened litigation, the district's attorney will issue a litigation hold directive to the superintendent or designee. The litigation hold directive will override any records retention schedule that may have otherwise called for the transfer, disposal or destruction of relevant documents until the hold has been lifted by the district's attorney. E-mail and other technology accounts of separated employees that have been placed on a litigation hold will be maintained by the district's information technology department until the hold is released. No employee who has been so notified of a litigation hold may alter or delete any electronic record that falls within the scope of the hold. Violation of the hold may subject the individual to disciplinary actions, up to and including termination of employment, as well as personal liability for civil and/or criminal sanctions by the courts or law enforcement agencies.

Violations of Technology Usage Policies and Procedures

Use of technology resources in a disruptive, inappropriate or illegal manner impairs the district’s mission, squanders resources and shall not be tolerated. Therefore, a consistently high level of personal responsibility is expected of all users granted access to the district’s technology resources. Any violation of district policies or procedures regarding technology usage may result in temporary, long-term or permanent suspension of user privileges. User privileges may be suspended pending investigation into the use of the district’s technology resources. Employees may be disciplined or terminated, and students suspended or expelled, for violating the district’s technology policies and procedures. Any attempted violation of the district's technology policies or procedures, regardless of the success or failure of the attempt, may result in the same discipline or suspension of privileges as that of an actual violation. The district will cooperate with law enforcement in investigating any unlawful use of the district's technology resources.


All damages incurred by the district due to a user's intentional or negligent misuse of the district's technology resources, including loss of property and staff time, will be charged to the user. District administrators have the authority to sign any criminal complaint regarding damage to district technology.

No Warranty/No Endorsement

The district makes no warranties of any kind, whether expressed or implied, for the services, products or access it provides. The district's technology resources are available on an "as is, as available" basis. The district is not responsible for loss of data, delays, non-deliveries, misdeliveries or service interruptions. The district does not endorse the content nor guarantee the accuracy or quality of information obtained using the district's technology resources.


Driving and Parking

Driving and parking on school property are privileges granted by the Board of Education to students who have reason to be in the schools or on the school property. The administrative staff will have the responsibility for the assignment of parking areas to staff, students, and visitors to the schools. Convenient parking areas will be designated for persons with disabilities. All licensed students must obtain a parking pass free of charge at the beginning of the school year by filling out the form in the back to school paperwork and turning into the office. Students who lose their parking pass can pay $20.00 to obtain a new one. All parking spaces will be open each day to those who have a valid parking permit and displayable tags.

All Couch Senior High school student, 16 years of age and older, at the beginning of a school year, who have been issued a valid Missouri Driver’s license, and who are not presently under any state license suspension or revocation shall be eligible to make an application for a driving permit for parking at CHS. This policy shall be effective during the following hours: 7:15 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. Students who drive automobiles to school should drive carefully around the school area. Violation of this policy in any part may cause suspension of a student’s privilege to park on the CHS campus as well as consequences as outlined in the CHS Disciplinary Policy. First offense may result in driving privileges being revoked for a minimum of two weeks. Repeated offenses may cause suspension of parking on the school grounds for the remainder of the year.

Those students granted permission to operate a motor vehicle should understand that driving their vehicles to school is a privilege which may be revoked by the school authorities in the event a student violates any of the guidelines pertaining to the Student Driving Policy. Vehicles parked on school property are subject to random searches at any time pursuant to Board policy. The Couch School District assumes no responsibility or liability for injuries to persons or for damage or loss of contents from any vehicle while on school property.

Any student wishing to drive to school must abide by the following rules:

  • Any student who parks on school property without a valid and visibly displayed parking tag, parks in disabled spaces, parks in visitor spaces, parks in any other unapproved area, or who commits any other driving violation will be subject to the following actions: warning - first offense, $10 fine - second offense, and $15 fine- third and all subsequent offenses. All fines must be paid in full by the due date on the ticket or students may face additional disciplinary consequences. All fines are final and consequences are non-negotiable.
  • Students who chronically violate the parking policy may lose their driving privileges for up to one year.
  • Students must observe posted speed limits and maintain a safe driving speed while on school property.
  • Excessive acceleration and “burn outs” are strictly prohibited on school property.
  • Students must park in designated student parking lots.
  • School buses and pedestrians have the right-of-way at all times.
  • Driving privileges may be denied for violation of attendance policies (to include absences, tardies, and/or leaving school without permission), or discipline policies, as stated in this handbook.
  • Students are not allowed to move their vehicle without permission from a school administrator.
  • Students are not allowed to go to their vehicle during the school day without administrative approval.
  • Students are to complete a "Pupil Driving Permit Registration and Agreement" form available in the main office.
  • A valid tag must be displayed on the passenger side front windshield in the vehicle that is being driven to school. Failure to display a valid parking tag will result in a fine and/or loss of driving privileges.
  • Students are not to loiter in or around their cars or in parking lots before, during, and after school hours.
  • Students parked on campus without a valid parking tag may also be subject to disciplinary consequences.
  • Violation of these rules may result in suspension of driving privileges for a period of time to be determined by the administration along with other consequences per the Code of Conduct.
  • Have attendance of 90% or above.
  • Students serving In-School Suspension shall not be granted parking privileges while serving said suspension.



Students who owe fines or fees must have them paid by the end of each semester in order to receive grade cards. This includes library, textbooks, cafeteria, classroom, driving, athletic, and organizational fees. Any student must have all fines and fees paid before purchasing a prom ticket. Seniors must have all fines and fees paid in order to receive their diploma at graduation.


Food/Beverage Policy

No student shall bring any open beverage container (cups, bottles, thermos, etc.) to school or on school district transportation. Students are not permitted to have open food or drinks in the halls, or lockers. Drinks must be sealed and in original plastic, clear containers. Only water will be allowed in the classroom. If food is for the student’s lunch then the items need to remain sealed and should be consumed in the lunchroom and must be left in the locker until the lunch period begins. Items may be confiscated by teacher or administrator.


Hall Passes

Leaving class to go to lockers for paper, pencils, books, going to the restroom, etc., are discouraged. Any student in the hall during class time must have in his/her possession a hall pass issued by the teacher indicating their destination and the time the student left class.


Gym Lockers

Lockers should be kept clean and orderly at all times. Do Not leave money or personal items in lockers. Do not wear clothes belonging to others.


Homework Policy

Homework will be assigned in most classes on a regular basis. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that all daily assignments are successfully completed and submitted by the due date. Assignments not turned in on time will be accepted for a minimum score of fifty percent of the original grade. The exact percentage is at the discretion of the teacher. Students will have through the next Progress Report cycle to turn in late work. Students not completing homework will be assigned a detention for that day, whether the homework is completed or not.

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Library Regulations

  1. Quiet should be maintained in the library at all times.
  2. Any book or magazine taken out of the library must be checked out.
  3. All checking out must be done by the librarian or the assistant in charge.
  4. Reference books and magazines may be checked out for one day at a time and must be returned the next day. Fines are 10 cents per day.
  5. Books and magazines may be used in the library without being checked out. Return them to the checkout desk (do not re-shelve).
  6. The fine for overdue books is five cents per day. If your book is overdue and you are not finished, just re-check it.
  7. No grades will be recorded until all library fines are paid.
  8. No more than five materials may be checked out by a student at one time. In grades 7-12, books are checked out for two weeks. In elementary, books are checked out for one week.
  9. Anyone known to deliberately damage a book, magazine or other library property will be required to pay for the damages.
  10. All students who come to the library must have some work to do or some will be assigned.
  11. Students may not check out Audio or Video materials.
  12. Restricted Areas: Office area and Professional area.
  13. All students must have a library pass properly signed by their teacher in order to come to the library during class.
  14. The library will be open 15 minutes prior to the start of classes, during noon and after school upon request.
  15. Students who misuse the internet will be barred from the use of the internet.



Lockers and locks are the property of the school district and are provided for student's convenience. Once a locker has been assigned, students may not change locations without administrative approval. It is the responsibility of each student to keep his/her locker clean and neatly organized. All lockers, both in the school and in the gymnasiums, are subject to periodic searches without warning. The school district will not be held responsible or liable for any personal items that are lost, stolen, or damaged while in a school locker. Students who damage their lockers will be assessed a reasonable fee. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that all personal items and valuables are secured in a locker during the school day, both in the school and in the gymnasiums. The school will not be held responsible for any personal items that a student leaves unattended or unsecured in a locker room. Additionally, drug dogs may be used to search lockers and motor vehicles parked on school property.


Playground Rules

General Rules

  1. Wrestling and scuffling are not permitted.
  2. Rocks, sticks, acorns, etc. are not to be thrown.
  3. Only 4-6 graders are allowed on the baseball field with duty teacher permission and supervision.
  4. The area around the gas tank is off limits to everyone.
  5. Playing between the High School building and the Lunchroom is not permitted except by special permission during muddy conditions.
  6. No one is permitted to come inside the Elementary building during recess without permission.
  7. No running in the halls while going to recess, or coming in from recess.
  8. No horseplay while standing in line.
  9. No running up or down steps.
  10. Everyone must wear shoes on the playground.
  11. No drinks in cans or bottles are permitted on the playground.
  12. No students outside of the fence with permission.

Swing Rules

  1. Standing on swings is not permitted.
  2. No swinging sideways.
  3. Only one person at a time in the swing.
  4. Pushing others in the swing is not permitted.
  5. No jumping out of swings.
  6. Do not twist the swing chains or throw them over the top.

Overhead Ladder

  1. No sitting on top of the overhead ladder.
  2. Only one person may cross the ladder at a time.


  1. Only one person at a time may slide down.
  2. No standing on the slide.
  3. No running up the slide.
  4. Students must go down slides sitting upright, feet first.


  1. No sitting on bars.

Jungle Gym

  1. Pushing or shoving others is not permitted.
  2. No climbing on sidebars or bridges or railings.


  1. One student in each seat.
  2. No pushing or assistance.
  3. Only two students allowed per unit.

Basketball Goals

  1. Students are not permitted to adjust goals.
  2. Students are not allowed to hang or dunk on adjustable goals.
  3. Arguing or excessive fouling, pushing, or aggression will result in confiscation of ball and student banned from ball court.


Procedure for Leaving School Grounds

Students are not permitted to leave the school grounds while school is in session without first signing out through the principal’s office. Special excuses will not be normally issued unless the request is accompanied by a telephone call or a written request from the parents. Students should not request to be excused during the day except in cases of extreme emergency. In the event that a student becomes ill at school, he/she should report it to the teacher or the principal’s office. Leaving school grounds without permission from the principal’s office shall be considered truancy.


Random Drug Testing

Throughout the nation, drug use and abuse among our youth are increasing. The Couch R-I School District has a deep commitment to deter and prevent student drug use and to offer student activities in a safe, secure, drug-free school setting. Because it is concerned about the health and safety of students, the superintendent or designee will implement a drug testing program where students 9-12 are required, as a condition of participation in MSHSAA/school sponsored activities/A+ program to consent to random drug screening. Students who test positive for drugs, or who otherwise violate the screening process may be suspended or excluded from covered activities. The sanctions of this policy relate solely to limiting the opportunity of any student found to be in violation of this policy to participate in MSHSAA sponsored activities/A+ program. If the discipline policy of the Couch R-I School District is violated with respect to drugs and alcohol, the student will be subject to the consequences of the discipline policy.

Participation in extracurricular activities is a privilege, not a right or entitlement. Thus, no student is guaranteed participation in any extra-curricular activity. District officials possess the authority to eliminate this privilege at any time upon the exercise of their professional judgment and discretion.

It is because we value our students’ health and safety so much that the following drug testing policy will be in effect beginning with the 2022-2023 school year. This policy will require that students wishing to participate in co-curricular activities, extra-curricular activities, be subject to drug testing from the first day of school to the last day of school. The specific details of the testing program and the consequences associated with violating this policy are described below.

Activities included, but not limited, in the Drug Testing Policy are:

  • Cross Country
  • Basketball
  • Volleyball
  • A+
  • Baseball
  • Softball
  • Track & Field
  • FBLA
  • FFA
  • Quiz Bowl
  • Beta Club

Consent - The parent or legal guardian of the student participant will be required to agree to and sign a written consent form prior to the students’ participation in any of the above-mentioned activities. The consent form will also bind the students and parents to compliance with the terms of this policy.

The refusal to consent to the application of any provision in this policy will result in the automatic exclusion of a student from all above-mentioned until consent is provided. The consent of a parent or legal guardian, as well as the student is required for all students under the age of 18.

Privacy and Confidentiality - Parents of students who are under the age of 18 and who still have the right of access to student records will receive all information applicable to the testing of their children under this policy. All information and records relating to a students’ participation in the testing program under this policy shall remain confidential as required by law and shall be maintained in a separate file from the students’ educational records.

PROCEDURES - Selection for testing is random; each student who signs a consent form will be assigned a number that will be given to the screening agency. The list of student names and their corresponding numbers will be maintained by the school. Only the School Nurse, High School Principal, and Superintendent will have access to the list. The number of students and number of test dates will be determined by the district.

A student may refuse to be tested, but if he/she chooses to do so, he/she will immediately be suspended from participating in any MSHSAA or school sponsored activities/A+ Program until consent is given.

  • After a student tests positive for illegal substances, he/she will be subject to non-random testing at the request of the administration for the remainder of the student’s participation in any MSHSAA/or school sponsored activities/A+ Program for a period of 365 days.
  • First Offense - Consequences for the first offense is suspension from participating in any MSHSAA/school sponsored activities for a period of 30 calendar days from when the test administrator finalized the results of the test, if the student’s activity is in season. If the student’s MSHSAA/school sponsored activities is not in season, then the start date will be the day the student begins participation in any MSHSAA/school sponsored activity. The student will be expected to attend all practice sessions, all meetings and team competitions during the suspension. For A+ students, the 30 days will begin when the test administrator finalizes the results of the test and will effect A+ activities/cadet teaching hours. The student must submit proof of completion of an approved educational drug/alcohol program that is offered outside of the school at the student’s expense. A+ students must also complete the Appeals Process for re-admittance into the A+ Program. A+ students are limited to one offense.
  • Second Offense - Consequences for the second offense is suspension from participation in MSHSAA/school sponsored activities for a period of 90 calendar days from when the test administrator finalized the results of the test, if the student’s activity is in season. If the student’s MSHSAA/school sponsored activity is not in season, then the start date will be the day the student begins to participate in any MSHSAA/school sponsored activity. The student will be expected to attend all practice sessions, all meetings and team competitions during the suspension. The student must submit proof of completion of an approved educational drug/alcohol program that is offered outside of the school at the student’s expense.
  • Third Offense - Consequences for the third offense is suspension from participation in MSHSAA/school sponsored activities for a period of 365 calendar days from when the test administrator finalized the results of the test, if the student’s activity is in season. If the student’s MSHSAA/school sponsored activity is not in season, then the start date will be the day the student begins participation in any MSHSAA/school sponsored activity. The student will be expected to attend all practice sessions, all meetings, and team competitions during the suspension. The student must submit proof of completion of any approved educational drug/alcohol program that is offered outside of school at the student’s expense.

Attendance at games and contests is at the sole discretion of administration. If students are permitted by the administration to attend they are to do so in non-uniform attire. Attendance at contests does not preclude the completion of additional work or activities to maintain skills. Practice attendance is unchanged by a student’s suspension. If practice is required, then practice should be attended as normal.

Effect on other policies – Under no circumstances does this policy supersede or supplant any other policy. A student who has violated this policy and another must serve consequences for both separately. Furthermore this policy does not replace or supersede any other district policies regarding drugs or illegal substances.


Schedule Change

Students will have the first three days of each semester to request schedule changes. Schedule changes made after this time period must be teacher/administration requested and administration approved. In order to change scheduled classes during the first three days of a semester, a form will be used to explain the need for the change and it must be approved by all teachers involved, parents, counselor, and principal. These forms will be available in the counselor’s office.

The only exceptions to schedules being changed after the first three days are:

  • If the teacher believes the student is failing the class due to an inability to meet the academic requirements of the class and a viable alternative location has been identified (the student has given his/her best effort, has taken advantage of every available tool to pass the class, and is still unable to make a passing grade).
  • If the student needs to drop an elective class in order to enroll in a course that is required for graduation.
  • If the student’s counselor or principal believes the change will academically benefit the student, such as taking an advanced course.



Students have no expectation of privacy in lockers, desks, computers, or other district-provided equipment or areas. The district will conduct periodic and unannounced administrative searches of lockers, computers and other district equipment. The district uses dogs to indicate the presence of alcohol, drugs, or other prohibited substances on campus, including the parking lot. Additional searches of bags, purses, coats, electronic devices, other personal possessions and vehicles in accordance with law.


Sexual Harassment Policy

Sexual harassment of students of either sex by employees or other students of the opposite or same sex is strictly prohibited in the Couch R-I School District. For purposes of sexual harassment and sexual discrimination policies only, an employee includes any person employed by the district, and any student teacher, intern or school volunteer. A student is any person enrolled in the school district or in district instructional programs. Sexual harassment is defined as sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature made by a member of the school staff to a student or when made by any student to another student when:

  • Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of a student’s academic status or progress
  • Submission to or rejection of such conduct by a student is used as the basis for evaluation of the student’s performance within a course of study or other school-related activity
  • Such conduct has the purpose or effect of interfering with a student’s educational performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive educational environment.
  • Such conduct has the effect of favoring another student

Whether a student voluntarily submits to sexual advances or requests is irrelevant for purposes of this policy. Sexual Harassment of a student by an employee or another student may include such things as sexually oriented jokes, remarks, cartoons, pictures, or letters; pressure for sexual activity whether written, verbal or through physical gestures; and physical contact such as patting or pinching.

Students who believe they have been victims of or have witnessed sexual harassment should report the incident(s) to any teacher, guidance counselor or school administrator. The staff member who receives the complaint shall promptly inform the administrator who is designated to investigate such reports, or the next level administrator who is not the subject of the complaint. Employees who witness sexual harassment against students shall immediately notify the designated administrator, or the next level administrator who is not the subject of the complaint. There will be no adverse action taken against a person for making a complaint of sexual harassment when the complainant honestly believes sexual harassment has occurred or is occurring or for participating in or cooperating with an investigation. Adverse action would include any form of intimidation, reprisal or harassment such as suspension, expulsion, termination, and change in educational conditions, loss of privileges or benefits or other disciplinary action. Any individual who retaliates against any employee or student, who reports, testifies, assists or participates in an investigation or hearing relating to a sexual harassment complaint will be subject to discipline.

The appropriate administrator shall provide for a thorough, prompt investigation of the incident, and the investigation and written report shall be completed within a reasonable period of time. The district shall take disciplinary action where appropriate, up to and including suspension and/or expulsion or the student or suspension and/or termination of the employee, in order to ensure that further sexual harassment does not occur. No person who is the subject of a complaint shall conduct such as investigation. If the superintendent is the subject of the complaint, an investigation will be conducted by an individual authorized by the Board. Any student found to have violated this policy by committing an act of sexual harassment or retaliating against a complainant or participant in the investigation shall be subject to disciplinary action including, but not limited to, suspension and expulsion. Confidentiality will be preserved consistent with applicable laws and responsibility to investigate and address such complaints. If investigation of a student complaint results in reasonable cause to suspect that the student has been subjected to abuse or neglect, the matter will be reported in accordance with policy JHG, Reporting Child Abuse. Students who believe that their complaint has not been satisfactorily resolved may utilize grievance procedure ACG at the appropriate level.


Technology Usage (Technology Safety)

Student Users

All student users and their parents/guardians must sign or electronically consent to the district's User Agreement prior to accessing or using district technology resources, unless otherwise excused by this policy or the superintendent or designee. Students who are 18 or who are otherwise able to enter into an enforceable contract may sign or consent to the User Agreement without additional signatures. Students who do not have a User Agreement on file with the district may be granted permission to use the district's technology resources by the superintendent or designee.

Employee Users

No employee will be given access to the district’s technology resources unless the employee agrees to follow the district's User Agreement prior to accessing or using the district's technology resources. Authorized employees may use the district’s technology resources for reasonable, incidental personal purposes as long as the use does not violate any provision of district policies or procedures, hinder the use of the district’s technology resources for the benefit of its students or waste district resources. Any use that jeopardizes the safety, security or usefulness of the district’s technology resources or interferes with the effective and professional performance of the employee’s job is considered unreasonable. Unless authorized by the employee's supervisor in advance, employees may not access, view, display, store, print or disseminate information using district technology resources that students or other users could not access, view, display, store, print or disseminate.

External Users

Consultants, legal counsel, independent contractors and other persons having business with the district may be granted user privileges at the discretion of the superintendent or designee after consenting to the district's User Agreement and for the sole, limited purpose of conducting business with the school. External users must abide by all laws, district policies and procedures.

General Rules and Responsibilities

The following rules and responsibilities will apply to all users of the district's technology resources:

  1. Applying for a user ID under false pretenses or using another person's ID or password is prohibited.
  2. Sharing user IDs or passwords with others is prohibited, and users will be responsible for any actions taken by those using the ID or password. A user will not be responsible for theft of passwords and IDs, but may be responsible if the theft was the result of user negligence.
  3. Deleting, examining, copying or modifying files or data belonging to other users without their prior consent is prohibited.
  4. Mass consumption of technology resources that inhibits use by others is prohibited.
  5. Use of district technology for soliciting, advertising, fundraising, commercial purposes or financial gain is prohibited, unless authorized by the district. Use of district technology resources to advocate, support or oppose any ballot measure or candidate for public office is prohibited.
  6. Accessing fee services without permission from an administrator is prohibited. A user who accesses such services without permission is solely responsible for all charges incurred.
  7. Users are required to obey all laws, including criminal, copyright, privacy, defamation and obscenity laws. The district will render all reasonable assistance to local, state or federal officials for the investigation and prosecution of persons using district technology in violation of any law.
  8. The district prohibits the use of district technology resources to access, view or disseminate information that is pornographic, obscene, child pornography, harmful to minors, obscene to minors, libelous, or pervasively indecent or vulgar.
  9. Accessing, viewing or disseminating information on any product or service not permitted to minors is prohibited unless under the direction and supervision of district staff for curriculum-related purposes.
  10. The district prohibits the use of district technology resources to access, view or disseminate information that constitutes insulting or fighting words, the very expression of which injures or harasses other people (e.g., threats of violence, defamation of character or of a person’s race, religion or ethnic origin); presents a clear and present likelihood that, because of their content or their manner of distribution, they will cause a material and substantial disruption of the proper and orderly operation and discipline of the school or school activities; or will cause the commission of unlawful acts or the violation of lawful district policies and procedures.
  11. The district prohibits any use that violates any person's rights under applicable laws, and specifically prohibits any use that has the purpose or effect of discriminating against or harassing any person on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, ancestry, disability, age, genetic information, pregnancy or use of leave protected by the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA).
  12. The district prohibits any unauthorized intentional or negligent action that damages or disrupts technology, alters its normal performance or causes it to malfunction. The district will hold users responsible for such damage and will seek both criminal and civil remedies, as necessary.
  13. Users may only install and use properly licensed software and audio or video media purchased by the district or approved for use by the district. All users will adhere to the limitations of the district’s technology licenses. Copying for home use is prohibited unless permitted by the district’s license and approved by the district.
  14. At no time will district technology or software be removed from district premises, unless authorized by the district.
  15. All users will use the district’s property as it was intended. Technology resources will not be moved or relocated without permission from a building administrator. All users will be held accountable for any damage they cause to district technology resources.

Technology Security and Unauthorized Access

  1. All users shall immediately report any security problems or misuse of the district’s technology resources to a teacher or administrator.
  2. Use of district technology resources in attempting to gain or gaining unauthorized access to any technology system or the files of another is prohibited.
  3. Use of district technology to connect to other systems, in evasion of the physical limitations of the remote system, is prohibited.
  4. The unauthorized copying of system files is prohibited.
  5. Intentional or negligent attempts, whether successful or unsuccessful, to interfere with the ability of others to utilize any district technology are prohibited.
  6. Users will be granted access privileges to district technology resources as determined appropriate by the superintendent or designee. Any attempt to secure a higher level of privilege without authorization is prohibited.
  7. The introduction of computer viruses, hacking tools or other disruptive or destructive programs into a district computer, network or any external networks is prohibited.

Online Safety and Confidentiality

Curricular or non-curricular publications distributed using district technology will comply with the law and Board policies on confidentiality. All district employees will abide by state and federal law, Board policies and district rules when using district technology resources to communicate information about personally identifiable students. Employees will take precautions to prevent negligent disclosure of student information or student records. All students will be instructed on the dangers of sharing personal information about themselves or others over the Internet and are prohibited from sharing such information unless authorized by the district. Student users shall not agree to meet with someone they have met online without parental approval and must promptly disclose to a teacher or another district employee any message the user receives that is inappropriate or makes the user feel uncomfortable.

Electronic Mail and Messaging

A user is responsible for all email and other electronic messages originating from the user’s email or other electronic messaging accounts.

  1. Forgery or attempted forgery of electronic messages is illegal and prohibited.
  2. Unauthorized attempts to read, delete, copy or modify electronic messages of other users are prohibited.
  3. Users are prohibited from sending unsolicited mass email or other electronic messages. The district considers more than ten addresses per message, per day a violation, unless the communication is a necessary, employment-related function or an authorized publication.
  4. When communicating electronically, all users must comply with district policies, regulations and procedures and adhere to the same standards expected in the classroom.
  5. Users must obtain permission from the superintendent or designee before sending any district wide electronic messages.

Communication Devices

Employees and others to whom the district provides mobile phones or other electronic communication devices must use them professionally and in accordance with district policies, regulations and procedures. These devices shall not be used in a manner that would distract the employee or other user from adequate supervision of students or other job duties.


Exceptions to district rules will be made for district employees or agents conducting an investigation of a use that potentially violates the law, district policies or procedures. Exceptions will also be made for technology administrators who need access to district technology resources to maintain the district’s resources or examine and delete data stored on district computers as allowed by the district’s retention policy.


Any user who believes he or she has a legitimate educational purpose for using the district’s technology in a manner that may violate any of the district’s policies, regulations or procedures may request a waiver from the building principal, superintendent or their designees. In making the decision to grant a waiver to a student, the administrator shall consider the purpose, age, maturity and level of supervision involved.

Investigation of Violations

In the event that the district suspects a violation of board policy, administrative procedure or law involving district technology resources the technology department will:

  1. Secure technology resources involved in the suspected violation.
  2. Search the technology resources involved in the suspected violation. The scope of the search will be limited to the extent necessary to determine if a violation has occurred. Building administrators may conduct a parallel investigation that includes interviewing people who may have knowledge about the suspected violation and searching for evidence other than on district technology resources. If the search reveals possible criminal activity, the technology department will stop searching and immediately make a recommendation to the superintendent to contact and cooperate with law enforcement for further investigation. At the request of law enforcement, administrative investigations may be suspended as well. If criminal activity is not suspected the technology department will report findings to the building administrator(s).
