Couch R-I Student Handbook

Assembly Programs

Assembly programs are an extension of classroom learning situations. Students are expected to conduct themselves at assembly programs as they would during any other classroom activity. Out-of-school guests are frequent visitors during assembly programs and the behavior of the student body during such programs reflects favorably or unfavorably on the school and the student body. Therefore, misbehavior such as whispering, booing, or other forms of disrespect will not be tolerated. Offenders will be appropriately disciplined and may be barred from future assemblies.

Assembly Citizenship

  • Find a seat in your assigned section as quickly as possible.
  • Give your undivided attention to the person or persons who have the floor.
  • Get quiet as soon as the person in charge appears.
  • Do not whistle, boo, yet, etc. When you want to applaud, simply clap your hands.
  • Leave in a safe and orderly manner when dismissed.
