Couch R-I Student Handbook

School Parties

High School Parties

All school parties must be planned by the sponsors of the organization and must be approved by the building principal. Only students of the Couch School District may participate in school parties unless approved in advance. All parties must be in compliance with the wellness policy.

Elementary Classroom Parties

Annual party days for the entire Elementary will include:

  1. Halloween Masquerade Party
  2. Christmas gift exchange
  3. Valentine’s Day

Students must be present the day of the party in order to attend. All food and drinks brought for classroom parties must be store bought and prepackaged. The annual parties are exempted from the school district's Wellness Policy.

The potential loss of instruction time due to observing student birthdays is significant. Therefore, we will not have parties, treats, etc. for student birthdays. Please help us by not sending treats for your child’s birthday. NO birthday or other invitations will be passed out in any classroom or on school grounds. Please DO NOT send birthday invitations with your child.

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