Couch R-I Student Handbook

Public Display of Affection

Courtship is not part of the co-curricular activities of high school. Therefore, public display of affection regardless of gender (holding hands, kissing, embracing, etc.) is unacceptable during school hours or at school activities. While already a policy, more description and consequences are given here: Students are not to touch each other throughout the school day or at school events. There should be absolutely no physical contact, and students using couches or bleachers should leave space between them. Examples of PDA include but are not limited to: hugging, kissing, holding hands, putting arms around each other, touching faces, sitting on another student’s lap, and putting legs across other another student’s lap. Also, students are not allowed to bring or use blankets at school. Failure to comply with this will automatically result in a fifth hour detention. Teachers are to report PDA after correcting the behavior. Repeat offenders will be disciplined as deemed appropriate by the principal by following the discipline protocol outlined in the student handbook.
