Couch R-I Student Handbook

Library Regulations

  1. Quiet should be maintained in the library at all times.
  2. Any book or magazine taken out of the library must be checked out.
  3. All checking out must be done by the librarian or the assistant in charge.
  4. Reference books and magazines may be checked out for one day at a time and must be returned the next day. Fines are 10 cents per day.
  5. Books and magazines may be used in the library without being checked out. Return them to the checkout desk (do not re-shelve).
  6. The fine for overdue books is five cents per day. If your book is overdue and you are not finished, just re-check it.
  7. No grades will be recorded until all library fines are paid.
  8. No more than five materials may be checked out by a student at one time. In grades 7-12, books are checked out for two weeks. In elementary, books are checked out for one week.
  9. Anyone known to deliberately damage a book, magazine or other library property will be required to pay for the damages.
  10. All students who come to the library must have some work to do or some will be assigned.
  11. Students may not check out Audio or Video materials.
  12. Restricted Areas: Office area and Professional area.
  13. All students must have a library pass properly signed by their teacher in order to come to the library during class.
  14. The library will be open 15 minutes prior to the start of classes, during noon and after school upon request.
  15. Students who misuse the internet will be barred from the use of the internet.
