Couch R-I Student Handbook

Student Dis-Enrollment Procedure

The following procedure is intended to assist building administrators by establishing procedure associated with the disenrollment of students:

  1. The student handbooks will set forth that it is expected that a student, if the student is eighteen (18) years or older, or the parent/guardian, if the student is under the age of eighteen (18) years, will contact the building principal and inform the building principal that the student intends to withdraw from school and is not transferring to another school, going to an alternative school, or participating in home schooling. Upon receiving such information, the principal will schedule the student and parents, if they so desire to meet with the student’s counselor to discuss the reasons why the student intends to withdraw from school to allow the counselor to offer alternatives to withdrawal from school. The student, if he or she is eighteen (18) years of age or older, or the parent/guardian if the student is under the age of eighteen (18) years, will be required to complete all necessary documents regarding the student’s withdrawal from school. If the student who is eighteen (18) years or order, or the parent/guardian, for a student under the age of eighteen (18) years refuses to come to school to complete the withdrawal form, but authorities either in person or by phone the disenrollment of the student, then the student shall be dis-enrolled by the building principal.
  2. When a student is absent for six consecutive days, the counselor, or his or her designee, shall contact the parent/guardian or the student, if the student is eighteen (18) years of age or older, regarding the student’s absences. The school official who contacts the parents/guardian or student will attempt to receive information regarding the reason for the student’s absences, in order to determine whether the absence should be excused, or whether some action should be taken by the School District so that the student can return to school.
  3. If the student does not return to school after the student or parent/guardian is contacted by the appropriate school official, then the building principal shall send a letter to the student, if he or she is eighteen (18) years or older, or the parent/guardian if the student is under the age of eighteen (18) years, informing the student or parent/guardian that the student will be considered to have voluntarily dis-enrolled himself or herself if the student does not return to school. The disenrollment will be retroactive to the last day the student was in attendance. The student or parent/guardian will be encouraged in that letter to contact the building principal or his or her designee to discuss with them the student’s non-attendance and to provide to that individual any information regarding whether the period of absence should be considered excused.
  4. A student may be dis-enrolled for the semester for non-attendance if the student fails to return to school after receiving a non-attendance letter and the student or parent/guardian fails to provide to the school information as to why the student’s periods of absence should be excused.
