Couch R-I Student Handbook

Retention Policy

The board of education, administration and staff of the Couch R-1 School District are dedicated to the maximum educational development and progress of all students. The personnel have the responsibility to place these students at a level that will ensure growth emotionally, socially, and academically.

Normally, a student will progress from one grade to another, based on his/her ability to master the objectives and skills required to move from one level to the next level. When this normal progress does not occur, then sometimes, it is the best interest of the student to be retained. Each situation will be handled individually, based on the child’s needs. In most situations, the basis for promotion or retention is academic achievement. There are however, other factors that must be considered also, including: educational history, social and emotional maturity, physical size, attitudes, etc.

The recommendation to the parents that their child be retained will occur only after a very thorough and complete professional analysis has been conducted. Because of the firm commitment that retention will be made only in the best interest of the child, the recommendation will be a team decision using the combined knowledge of all personnel working with the student.

The principal, after consultation with the parents and all of the personnel that deal with the student, will make the final decision concerning the placement for the upcoming school year.

Guidelines for retention:

  • Children will normally be retained only one time during their elementary school years.
  • Except under unusual circumstances, students will not be retained after the first three years of school. However, Couch Elementary School will abide by the state’s reading law regarding reading assessment and retention (See Senate Bill 681 on page 16).
  • A staff meeting must be held to review the data prior to discussion with the parent. The following must be included in the staff meeting: principal, classroom teacher, specialists, and school counselor. A majority of those present at the staff meeting must agree to the retention. Dissenting opinions must be attached to the final recommendation of retention.
  • Parents should agree to the retention. While we strive to gain parent approval and support, the policy is very clear that the school personnel will make the final decision.

Procedures for retention:

  • When a student is having difficulty, the classroom teacher will keep parents informed of all intervention strategies used to accelerate their child’s performance.
  • The teacher will inform the building principal in writing by March 7th of any student that is having difficulty and not working up to recent grade level. No mention of a retention recommendation will be made to the parents until authorized by the principal.
  • The principal will make the necessary arrangements to ensure that appropriate assessment data is available and arrange for the required staff meeting.
  • A registered letter will be forwarded to the parents, by March 31st, advising them that their child is continuing to have difficulty and may be retained. Recommendation regarding retention for students enrolling during second semester will be processed prior to the end of the school year.
  • The staff committee will meet during the fourth quarter to make the final recommendation to retain or not to retain the student.
  • After the final decision has been made, the teacher/principal will arrange a conference to inform the parents.
  • The decision may be appealed by notifying the superintendent in writing.
