Couch R-I Student Handbook


All students will be contacted by the School Reach automated calling system when school is to be canceled due to inclement weather or other extenuating circumstances. Local radio and regional television stations will also report school cancellations as they are made available by the superintendent.


Daily Bulletin

A bulletin will be issued every day before first hour. It will contain information for both teachers and students. It is the student’s responsibility to listen carefully to the reading of the bulletin. Special bulletins will be issued when necessary.


Emergency Evacuations

Specific instructions as to where you go and what you do are posted in each classroom. Your teacher is responsible for knowing and teaching these instructions to you. You are responsible for learning and obeying them. If we are to save lives, we must act quickly and accurately.


Flyers, Posters, and Advertisements

School related flyers, posters, advertisements, signs and other notices may only be posted with administrative approval. All informational flyers, posters and advertisements must be displayed on bulletin boards through the school buildings.


Parent/Teacher Organization

The Couch Elementary has an active Parent/Teacher Organization (PTO) that meets monthly. If you are interested in joining, call the elementary office at (417) 938-4212 for further information.


Posting Announcements

Posting of material on bulletin boards requires clearance from the office.


Public Complaints (DESE)

The following steps are to be followed by parents/guardians or the public when questions or complaints arise regarding the operation of the school district or federal programs administered by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) that cannot be addressed through other established procedures.

  1. Complaints on behalf of individual students should first be addressed to the teacher or employee involved.
  2. Unsettled matters from (1) above or problems and questions concerning individual schools should be presented in writing to the principal of the school. The principal will provide a written response to the individual raising the concern within (5) business days of receiving the complaint or concern.
  3. Unsettled matters from (2) above or problems and questions concerning the school district should be presented in writing to the superintendent. The superintendent will provide a written response to the individual voicing the concern within (5) business days of receiving the complaint or concern.
  4. If the matter cannot be settled satisfactorily by the superintendent, it may be brought to the Board of Education. Written comments submitted to the superintendent or the secretary of the Board will be brought to the attention of the entire Board. The Board will address each concern or complaint in an appropriate and timely manner. The decision of the Board shall be final except in the case of complaints concerning the administration of federal programs. In that case the complainant may go to the appropriate section of DESE and from there on to the United States Secretary of Education. The Board considers it the obligation of the professional and support staff of the district to field the questions of parents/guardians or the public. Accordingly, the district will inform patrons of this complaint procedure and its availability.

Complaints regarding district compliance with nondiscrimination laws will be processed according to Board policy AC. Employee grievances will be processed in accordance with the established employee grievance procedure or as otherwise required by law. All other grievances for which there is a specific policy or procedure will be addressed pursuant to that policy or procedure.


Telephone Use

The Couch Elementary office telephone number is (417) 938-4212. We believe very strongly that the lines of communication between the school and parents should always be open and honest. Therefore, if you have any concerns or are unclear about particular information, please feel free to call.

Students will be allowed to use the telephone only in cases of emergency, as determined by the building principal or designee. Students will not be called out of the classroom to receive phone calls. Messages may be left with the school secretary or principal.
