Couch R-I Student Handbook

Academic Activities/Remediation Policy

Participation in all extra-curricular activities to include; clubs, groups, athletics, dances, prom, etc.… will be required to maintain a passing accumulative semester grade of 60% and above in all classes. Students must also maintain 95% attendance to participate in activities, including athletics.

The office will require two-week grade checks, which will be maintained on a two week grading cycle. If the student has a grade(s) that falls below the 60% requirement, or does not meet the 95% attendance requirement, he/she will be placed on a two week probation period. During the two week probation period, the teacher will make contact with the student’s parent/guardian and a tutoring option will be made available. If the student’s grade remains below the 60% academic requirement or below 95% attendance at the end of the two week probationary period, he/she will not be eligible to participate in club, group, athletic, dances, prom, etc.… activities for the following two weeks. This is to include any trips or weekend activities during the two-week deficiency. The probationary period will be used as it occurs and will not be saved to be used at a later date.

The grade will continue to be reviewed at the end of the two-week grading cycle to see if improvement has been made. If so, the student may resume activity. Students are given one, two week probation period each semester. If a student goes over the probationary period, he/she automatically becomes ineligible to participate until 60% academically and/or 95% attendance is received on a two week grade check for the remainder of the semester. The student may also be pulled from an elective class and placed within a remediation class for the duration of the semester and/or year.

Students who fall below 95% attendance may resume activity as soon as they make up their attendance; they do not have to wait the two-week time period.

Teachers are to report all accumulative semester grades of 69% and below on two week grade checks, so parents and administration can be made aware of a student’s problem in a class before it proceeds further.
