Couch R-I Student Handbook

Head Lice

The Couch R-I School District encourages regular attendance in school and it is our practice to avoid unnecessary exclusion of students from school. Students with active head lice infestation or nits (eggs) will be excluded from school only to the minimum extent necessary for treatments. Students found to have live head lice or nits will be excluded until effective treatment and removal of all nits is completed. The parent/guardian is encouraged to complete treatment and to return student to school the same day when possible and no later than the next day. Students who have been sent home for head lice or nits may not ride the school bus until they have been reexamined and cleared by the school nurse and returned to class when it is determined that the treatment was effective and all nits have been removed. For students with excessive absenteeism due to head lice, or in cases when treatment is not secured in a timely manner, the school principal will be notified, and the matter may be reported to the Children’s Division of the Department of Social
