Couch R-I Student Handbook

Schedule Change

Students will have the first three days of each semester to request schedule changes. Schedule changes made after this time period must be teacher/administration requested and administration approved. In order to change scheduled classes during the first three days of a semester, a form will be used to explain the need for the change and it must be approved by all teachers involved, parents, counselor, and principal. These forms will be available in the counselor’s office.

The only exceptions to schedules being changed after the first three days are:

  • If the teacher believes the student is failing the class due to an inability to meet the academic requirements of the class and a viable alternative location has been identified (the student has given his/her best effort, has taken advantage of every available tool to pass the class, and is still unable to make a passing grade).
  • If the student needs to drop an elective class in order to enroll in a course that is required for graduation.
  • If the student’s counselor or principal believes the change will academically benefit the student, such as taking an advanced course.
