Couch R-I Student Handbook

Missouri Virtual School Classes and Summer School Courses

Virtual Instruction

Eligible students may enroll in virtual courses offered through the Missouri Course Access Program (MOCAP). The district will accept all grades and credits earned through district sponsored virtual instruction and MOCAP. The district will pay the costs of a virtual course only if the district has first approved the student's enrollment in the course as described in this policy. Even if a student or his or her parents/guardians pay the costs for a virtual course, the student or parents/guardians should meet with the principal or designee prior to enrollment to ensure that the course is consistent with the student's academic and personal goals. The district is not required to provide students access to or pay for courses beyond the equivalent of fulltime enrollment. The district will provide supervision for students who take virtual courses in district facilities but will not provide supervision for students taking virtual courses offsite. Students taking courses virtually are subject to district policies, procedures and rules applicable to students enrolled in traditional courses including, but not limited to, the district's discipline code and prohibitions on academic dishonesty, discrimination, harassment, bullying and cyberbullying.

Enrollment in Virtual Courses

The superintendent or designee will establish open enrollment periods and registration deadlines for students to enroll in virtual courses offered by the district or through MOCAP. These enrollment periods and registration deadlines will be strictly enforced unless the superintendent or designee determines that an exception is warranted due to circumstances such as a change in a student's health or the long-term suspension of a student. Enrollment periods and registration deadlines must align with the district's academic calendar and assessment schedule to the extent practicable.

A student or parent/guardian must notify the student's principal or designee before the student may enroll in a district-sponsored virtual course or a MOCAP virtual course through the district. The student will be enrolled unless the principal or designee, in consultation with the student's parents/guardians and relevant staff, such as the school counselor or district special education director, determines that there is good cause to refuse the student enrollment in the course. For enrollment in a MOCAP course, good cause is limited to situations where it is not in the best educational interest of the student to enroll in the course. Students or parents/guardians who disagree with the principal's or designee's determination about a MOCAP course can appeal the decision to the Board of Education and the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) as detailed later in this policy. For all other virtual courses, students or parents/guardians may appeal the decision to the superintendent or designee, and the superintendent or designee's decision will be final. The superintendent or designee is authorized to consult the district's attorney prior to making a decision.
