Couch R-I Student Handbook

Daily Schedule/Bell Schedule

First Bell @ 7:45 a.m.

Class Start/End
1st Hour 7:45-8:40
2nd Hour 8:43-9:38
3rd Hour 9:41-10:35
4th Hour 10:38-11:32
5th Hour 11:35-12:01
Lunch 12:04-12:29
6th Hour 12:32-1:26
7th Hour 1:29-2:24
8th Hour 2:27-3:22

First Day High School Schedule

Assembly in Gym 7:45-8:05
Home Room 8:05-9:00
Period 1: 9:00-9:38

Normal Classes Resume

Activity Period Schedule

Any of the school clubs/teams/organizations or classes may schedule a meeting once a month during 5th hour. Only students without detentions/ISS or intervention classes will be able to attend meetings. Any other required meetings will need to be before or after school. Activity period meetings scheduled for the school day will be 20 minutes in length. Students not involved in the activity period will remain in their respective classroom.


Arrival to School

Students will be permitted in the building at 7:15, but not before. It is expected that all students will be in class, fully prepared, and ready to learn by 7:45 a.m. each school day. Students arriving after 7:45 a.m. may face disciplinary action for being tardy. Students who ride a school bus will be dropped off each morning (and picked up in the afternoon) behind the High School Building. Students arriving by car may arrive at 7:15 and park in the high school parking lot west of the New Gym. A parking permit will be mandatory.


Assembly Programs

Assembly programs are an extension of classroom learning situations. Students are expected to conduct themselves at assembly programs as they would during any other classroom activity. Out-of-school guests are frequent visitors during assembly programs and the behavior of the student body during such programs reflects favorably or unfavorably on the school and the student body. Therefore, misbehavior such as whispering, booing, or other forms of disrespect will not be tolerated. Offenders will be appropriately disciplined and may be barred from future assemblies.

Assembly Citizenship

  • Find a seat in your assigned section as quickly as possible.
  • Give your undivided attention to the person or persons who have the floor.
  • Get quiet as soon as the person in charge appears.
  • Do not whistle, boo, yet, etc. When you want to applaud, simply clap your hands.
  • Leave in a safe and orderly manner when dismissed.


Campus Hours

The high school building will be open for students at 7:15 a.m. and will close at 3:45 p.m. Students are encouraged to eat breakfast in the cafeteria when they arrive at school beginning at 7:15 p.m. Any student in the building, other than during regular school hours, must be in the company of a teacher or sponsor. Upon arrival at school at 7:15, high school students are to enter the building and report to the old gym until the bell rings.


Class interruptions

Students WILL NOT be allowed to take phone calls from parents or other outside parties during class time. Parents should also refrain from texting students during school hours. Exceptions will be allowed in emergency situations, upon approval from administration. The office staff will relay a message to students between classes or at lunch, so as not to interrupt the learning environment of your child and those around him/her. Phone calls and text messages interrupt the educational process and will be relayed at the discretion of the principal or the secretary in the principal’s absence.


Conduct at School Events

All students should display good conduct and sportsmanship at all school events, such as assemblies and ballgames. This includes activities at other school sites. Students are to represent Couch High School in a positive manner, even when they are visiting other schools.


Directory Information

Please be advised that the school district will release upon request “Directory Information” concerning your child. This will include the following information: the student’s name, participation in officially recognized extracurricular activities, height and weight of members of athletic teams, dates of attendance, diplomas and awards received, photographs and other similar information. Student names will be released to all military recruiters or institutions of higher education that request them unless parents/guardians specifically request their names not be released. If you do not want this type of information about your child released, please send a note to that effect to your child’s principal. Notification must be received by the school by the end of the second full week of school.



It is illegal to turn in false fire alarms. Consider your own safety and the safety of others.



Fundraising by school organizations will be kept to a minimum and must be approved by both the organization sponsor and the principal. Students will not be allowed to participate in additional fundraisers until outstanding accounts are satisfied from the previous fundraiser. Fundraising activities and all corresponding paperwork should be completed by May 15th.

All funds collected by a class or organization are to be deposited at the high school office where a receipt will be given for the amount of the deposit. It will be credited to that organization and may be expended by the sponsor with the approval of the Principal. No money will be left in classrooms overnight.



During lunch hour, students may be in the cafeteria. All other areas, including the gym and student parking lot are off limits. Students may be checked out of the cafeteria for a specific purpose, such as basketball practice or club activity, but must remain in the Old Gym under direct supervision.

Breakfast and lunch for Preschool-6th grade will continue to use the regular lunch program. Applications will need to be completed and returned to the elementary office to potentially qualify for free or reduced lunch prices, all students will be charged for extra milks. Breakfast and lunch bills should be paid weekly. Per the Board of Education, the breakfast and lunch bills that exceed $50.00 will be given an alternative meal, until the balance is paid in full.

Breakfast Lunch
Adult $3.10 $4.60
Student Reduced $0.50 $0.60
Student Full $1.75 $2.15
  • If your child can not drink milk with their lunch due to medical reasons, please have your doctor write a note and send it to your child’s teacher. Your child will be given juice or water to drink with their meal.
  • Each student is to be mannerly, courteous, and quiet in the lunchroom.
  • When students bring lunches, they may bring drinks, however sodas are not allowed. No refrigeration is available.
  • No drinks in glass bottles are allowed in the lunchroom.
  • Students are not allowed to eat food from other student’s plates.
  • No food is to be taken out of the cafeteria.
  • Students that require food modifications must have a physician signed medical statement before meal modifications can be made. Forms are available in the nurse’s office.


Pledge of Allegiance

Senate Bill 638 requires that schools recite the Pledge of Allegiance in at least one scheduled class at least once a day. Couch students will recite the pledge of Allegiance the first period of each day of the week that we are in school. Students who do not wish to participate need to contact their building principal so other arrangements can be made.


Rules and Safety Regulations for Students Riding on Buses

  1. Driver is in charge of the students and the bus. Students must obey the driver promptly.
  2. Students should be on time at the bus stop; the bus cannot wait beyond its regular schedule for those who are tardy.
  3. Students should never stand in the roadway while waiting for the bus.
  4. Unnecessary conversation with the driver is prohibited.
  5. Profane language and gestures are prohibited.
  6. Proper conduct is to be observed by pupils while riding the bus.
  7. Students must not throw things on the bus or extend their arms or head out of the bus windows.
  8. Students must not try to board or exit the bus while the bus is moving nor move around on the bus while the bus is in motion.
  9. Fighting will result in suspension from the bus and will require a meeting with the Principal.
  10. No animals shall be permitted on the bus.
  11. No weapon of any sort shall be permitted on the bus.
  12. Any damage to the bus should be reported at once to the driver.
  13. School buses are considered extensions of the school environment. Any student whose conduct on a school bus is improper or jeopardizes the safety of other students may have his/her school bus transportation suspended.


School Meals

  1. Students may pay for lunches before school or during the noon lunch period in the office.
  2. No money will be collected for meals in the cafeteria.
  3. Meals must be paid for daily, weekly or monthly.
  4. Each student is to be mannerly, courteous and quiet in the cafeteria.


School Parties

High School Parties

All school parties must be planned by the sponsors of the organization and must be approved by the building principal. Only students of the Couch School District may participate in school parties unless approved in advance. All parties must be in compliance with the wellness policy.

Elementary Classroom Parties

Annual party days for the entire Elementary will include:

  1. Halloween Masquerade Party
  2. Christmas gift exchange
  3. Valentine’s Day

Students must be present the day of the party in order to attend. All food and drinks brought for classroom parties must be store bought and prepackaged. The annual parties are exempted from the school district's Wellness Policy.

The potential loss of instruction time due to observing student birthdays is significant. Therefore, we will not have parties, treats, etc. for student birthdays. Please help us by not sending treats for your child’s birthday. NO birthday or other invitations will be passed out in any classroom or on school grounds. Please DO NOT send birthday invitations with your child.

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Student Textbooks

Textbooks are provided from school tax money paid by your parents. While these books are furnished to the student without charge, they are not free. You are responsible for the proper care and return of books at the end of the school year or when withdrawing from school. Any damage to textbooks may result in fines or fees.


Surveillance Cameras

Couch High School uses a variety of closed-circuit video surveillance cameras in various locations throughout the campus and on some school buses. Surveillance cameras are used 24 hours a day and are used for safety and security purposes. However, information obtained from a surveillance camera may also be used to substantiate conduct violations and/or illegal behavior on school property.


Visitors Policy

Each visitor should go directly to the high school office to be issued a proper pass.

The Couch R-I School District believes that district events are a vital part of the total educational program and should be used as a means for developing positive social interaction, good sportsmanship and appropriate behavior, in addition to knowledge and skills. Well organized and well conducted programs contribute to the morale of the student body and strengthen school community relations. To this end, the Board encourages district patrons to exhibit good sportsmanship, citizenship, ethics and integrity at all district events and at all times while on district grounds. The Board will work with parents/guardians, alumni associations, and local organizations to keep behavior a top priority. The administration will establish procedures at district events consistent with this policy.

Visitors welcomed at Couch High School include:

  1. Parents/Guardians of Couch Junior/Senior high students.
  2. Individuals given permission through the principal’s office.

Visitors should follow these guidelines when visiting the school:

  1. Each visitor should go directly to the High School office to check in and then proceed to the Elementary Principal's office to let him/her know they are in the building and will be visiting.
  2. All visitors during the regular school day will receive a visitor's badge prior to proceeding elsewhere in the building.
  3. We discourage students from bringing visitor friends to their class.
  4. Visitors are not allowed in classrooms during instruction time.

The building principal has the right to waive this policy for certain events and circumstances.
