Couch R-I Student Handbook

After School Activities

Students are strongly encouraged to participate in or attend all home sporting events and other after-school activities and events. Students are expected to remain seated in designated areas and behave appropriately during games, programs and performances. Once a student leaves any school activity, he/she will not be readmitted. If a student is removed from any event, he/she may be banned from future activities, both home and away. Students are expected to have a ride home and leave immediately after each activity. Appropriate demonstrations of school spirit are expected and encouraged. Proper etiquette is required at all concerts, plays, musicals, assemblies, dances, events and programs. Staying after school to attend an evening event is not permitted unless under the direction of a teacher and prior approval has been granted from administration.

Students staying after school for school approved activities must have written permission from parents/guardians. Students without written permission will NOT be allowed to stay after school. Students, including siblings, who are not involved in the activity are not permitted to stay after school.


Athletic Teams

Couch High School will participate in a program of interscholastic athletics with schools of the surrounding area. All teams and members of those teams will be governed by the rules of the Missouri State High School Activities Association (MSHSAA). The Indians will participate inter-scholastically in boys’ and girls’ basketball, girls’ softball, boys’ baseball, boys’ and girls’ cross-country, girls' volleyball and boys’ and girls’ track. Participants must have a yearly physical, insurance and a signed permission form to participate in an organized athletic group. In order to participate students must be academically eligible and not owe any attendance make-up hours. In order to be eligible to participate in any MSHAA sanctioned activity that will take place on the week-ends or when school is not in session, students cannot have an unexcused or unjustified absence on the last day of possible attendance.


Code of Ethics For Extracurricular and Interscholastic Organizations

Members of these teams and/or organizations have a dual role – they represent the team/organizations as a unit and they represent the school as a whole. Therefore, members must be credible school citizens. A credible school citizen is one whose conduct, both in school and out of school, will not reflect badly on oneself or on the school.

Members of all CHS organizations and teams will:

  1. Abide by the rules and regulations of the organizations or activity and of the school.
  2. Be law-abiding and truthful in his/her actions.
  3. Be honest and sincere.
  4. Refrain from any unbecoming behavior.
  5. Respect the rights and opinions of others.
  6. Willingly accept responsibility and duty.
  7. Willingly accept suggestions, criticisms, and decisions of instructors, coaches and sponsors.
  8. Cooperate with instructors, coaches, sponsors and fellow students.
  9. Utilize the appropriate steps to solve problems and to settle disagreements.
  10. Dress appropriately and neatly for the given occasion.
  11. Maintain satisfactory grades.
  12. At all times, conduct oneself in such a way that he/she will bring credit to him/herself, the organization or activity, and the school.

Failure to abide by any section of this CODE OF ETHICS may result in suspension or dismissal from the organization, the activity, or the school you represent – and the right to any rewards, recognitions, or scholarships you would have received as a member of the activity, organization or school.

Students who have served more than 3- ISS terms or 1- OSS term for any reason will not be eligible to run for office or to continue holding office during that school year.


Extracurricular Activities

To participate in extracurricular activities, students must attend school for at least 75% of the day of the activity or game unless they obtain advance permission from the High School Principal. For MSHAA sanctioned activities on weekends or when school is not in session, students must not have any unexcused or unjustified absences on the last day of attendance. Exceptions can be made for doctor’s appointments or funerals. Students must be enrolled in and passing a minimum of 7 or 8 classes per semester to maintain eligibility, and seventh and eighth graders must be attending normal courses for their grade or a full course load. Failing more than one subject in a quarter makes seventh and eighth graders ineligible for the following quarter. A signed permission slip from a parent or legal guardian is required for participation in extracurricular activities or school-sponsored clubs, with permissions obtained at the start of each school year by the Couch School District.

Additionally, students must maintain a passing cumulative semester grade of 60% or above in all classes, with one two-week probationary period each semester. A cumulative attendance of 90% or above, including all excused and unexcused absences, is required for eligibility. Extreme circumstances will be addressed by the administration on a case-by-case basis. Students assigned in-school or out-of-school suspension are ineligible for extracurricular activities during the suspension. Leadership position holders will be removed if they receive ISS, OSS, or two or more detentions per semester, with extreme circumstances handled case-by-case by the administration.

Students are required to ride the bus (school transportation) to all extracurricular activities and all athletic events in order to play. Students are encouraged to ride the bus (school transportation) back to school after an activity. However, circumstances may arise whereby other means of transportation is allowed:

  • A parent/guardian may sign the coach’s Sign Out sheet after the activity
  • A parent/guardian may submit in writing a request to the principal to allow his/her student to ride home with an adult family member or other adult.
  • Students will not be permitted to leave off-campus extracurricular activities with other students, boyfriends, girlfriends, etc.


Junior/Senior Prom

In March, April or May of each year, the junior class entertains the senior class with a prom in the old gym. All plans for this beautifully decorated annual event are in the hands of the junior class and junior class sponsors. Only juniors, seniors, and their approved dates may attend. Non-CHS students must receive permission through administration to attend the dances. An application to attend dances will be made available to non-CHS students prior to ticket purchasing. Students must be enrolled in high school and in good standing, or under the age of 20 if graduated from high school. CHS students cannot attend prom ceremonies if they are currently on the F list or owe attendance hours at prom time.


National BETA Club (CHS Chapter )

The National Beta Club is a nationally recognized organization administered by the local high school principal under the guidelines handed down by the Board of Directors. The High School Principal shall appoint an advisor and have immediate responsibility for the policies and activities of the local club.

The purpose of this organization shall be:

  • To promote the ideas of honesty, service, morality, ethical conduct and leadership among secondary school students
  • To reward meritorious achievement
  • To encourage and assist students in continuing their education after high school

All students grades 10, 11, and 12 who have a good moral standing in the school and community and maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher, are eligible to become members of Beta Club.


School Activities

School sponsored or sanctioned activities (i.e. field trips, interscholastic competition, etc.) are exempt from, and shall not count toward, the total of four absences. Students who are absent from class are expected to check with their teacher in advance to arrange for make-up work are expected to have make-up work completed before returning for the next class period. Students not in attendance at school will not be permitted to attend or participate in any school sponsored activity that night unless permission is obtained from the principal.

All club trips will be on Saturday, unless students are participating in a contest or conferences, or the activity takes place only during the week.


School Parties

High School Parties

All school parties must be planned by the sponsors of the organization and must be approved by the building principal. Only students of the Couch School District may participate in school parties unless approved in advance. All parties must be in compliance with the wellness policy.

Elementary Classroom Parties

Annual party days for the entire Elementary will include:

  1. Halloween Masquerade Party
  2. Christmas gift exchange
  3. Valentine’s Day

Students must be present the day of the party in order to attend. All food and drinks brought for classroom parties must be store bought and prepackaged. The annual parties are exempted from the school district's Wellness Policy.

The potential loss of instruction time due to observing student birthdays is significant. Therefore, we will not have parties, treats, etc. for student birthdays. Please help us by not sending treats for your child’s birthday. NO birthday or other invitations will be passed out in any classroom or on school grounds. Please DO NOT send birthday invitations with your child.

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School Trips

School trips at CHS are either sponsored by the various clubs and activities or are contest trips for competition. Trip arrangements are made by the sponsor(s) and approved through the office. Students are eligible to attend school trips and/or competition if they have met all requirements as outlined by the sponsor. Students may also lose the privilege of participating in such trips for the following reasons:

  1. Disciplinary actions
  2. Excessive absences where remediation has not yet been served
  3. Academic failure in the classroom


Student Council Representatives

The Student Council is a very active organization at CHS. Membership will include two class representatives from the 7th grade, 8th grade, freshman, sophomore, junior and senior classes. Election procedures will follow the rules and regulations as stated in the Student Council Constitution.

The Student Council of CHS is organized for the following purposes:

  • To promote the general welfare of the school
  • To unify all student organizations under one general control
  • To provide guidance and direction for the students at CHS, but not to become a police action body
  • To let students experience a sense of civic pride and responsibility that will benefit them later in life
