Couch R-I Student Handbook

Dual Enrollment Class

Any 11th – 12th grade student in good standing to graduate in May of their graduation year, with the endorsement of his/her counselor and the consent of his/her parents, can seek dual enrollment at school and with cooperating college. This program allows the student to attend college classes for a portion of the day. Courses acceptable for dual enrollment may be counted as credit by both the high school and the college. Students must meet the academic enrollment requirements set by the University for Admittance. The guidelines for dual enrollment are as follows:

  1. In order to qualify as a dual enrollment course, the college class must be a course that is not currently offered at Couch High School, and must be taken during the normal school day during the time that the student is at the high school.
  2. Courses taken at the college level will count toward the total twenty-four units required for graduation.
  3. Courses taken at the college level will be recorded on the high school transcript and will be counted in high school grade point average computations.
  4. It is the responsibility of the student to request his/her college transcript to be sent to other colleges in order to receive credit for the college course.
