Couch R-I Student Handbook

Attendance & Absenteeism

Regular attendance is important for your student’s academic success; research has shown a direct connection between attendance and academic success. Students are expected to attend school regularly and to be on time for the beginning of each school day. The CES staff supports families and the effort to have good attendance. The state of Missouri mandates that 90% of students are in attendance 90% of the time.

Compulsory Attendance

Missouri State Law requires all children between 7 and 17 years of age to regularly attend a public, private, parochial, parish, home school or a combination of such schools for the duration of the entire school term. Parents, guardians or other persons having legal custody of a student may obtain a court order requiring the student to attend school until the student receives a high school diploma or its equivalent, or reaches the age of 21. In addition, the Couch R-1 School District provides educational programming for all students between the ages of five (5) and seven (7) and beginning at the age of three (3) for students qualified for special education services. The district may also provide preschool and adult education programs. Once enrolled in the district, the district expects the student to attend regularly and for the student’s parent or guardian or other adult having charge, control or custody of the student to communicate regularly and honestly with the district regarding the student’s absences. Because the Couch R-1 School District Board of Education and district staff strongly believe that regular attendance is important in gaining the most from the educational experience and because state law requires district staff to report all instances of abuse and neglect, including educational neglect, the district will make every effort to ensure students are attending school as required by law. Attendance is divided into the following categories: good attendance (5 or fewer absences), regular attendance (95 percent rate), chronic absence (attendance rate of 90 percent), severe chronic absence (attendance rate of 80 percent), and truant (unlawfully absent 20 percent of days).

Perfect Attendance

Perfect attendance shall be awarded to students missing no more than a total of three hours of school for the entire school year.

Students will be allowed the number of days missed plus two (2) to make up work after being absent. (In grades 5 and 6 it is the student’s responsibility to request make-up work from the teacher.)


Approved, school sponsored, out-of-school activities (field trips, sporting events, etc.) will not be counted as absences for purposes of the excessive absence regulation. Absences resulting from significant, acute or chronic medical conditions may provide the basis for an exception as approved by the administration or an appeal. Therefore, all such conditions should be verified in writing by a physician or other health care official.

Steps to Follow When Absent From School

Please make sure you read and understand the following information as it requires parents, guardians and students to be accountable for notifying the school regarding student absences.

  1. A parent or guardian should notify the attendance office on the day of (or before) the absence (417-938-4212).
  2. The office should be contacted prior to known doctor, dental, and family appointments. A student must be signed out by a parent/guardian before leaving school, and sign in upon returning to school.
  3. Students will be allowed one (1) day for every day missed plus two additional days to complete make-up work.
  4. Students absent for authorized school activities are responsible for making up all work missed.
  5. An absence for an authorized school activity simply allows the student the privilege of making up the work within a reasonable time (established by the teacher) and does not excuse the student from the make-up work.
  6. Students absent for school purposes will be required to complete the “Field Trip Approval Form” no later than two days before the event and must not owe any make-up hours.
  7. Students who attend school, but leave early for another school activity, may be required by their teacher to turn in any assignment due that day.
  8. There are no school-sanctioned class “skip” days. Students who participate in organized skip day activities will be considered truant.


Excessive absenteeism is defined by Missouri Department of Educations as missing five (5) or more regular school days during a semester (for other than school sanctioned activities). CES will use the following procedures, for students in grades K-6, who are absent from school and implement the intervention strategies listed below for students who are absent five (5) or more unexcused days per semester or who’s attendance drops below 90% for the cumulative school year (including both excused and unexcused absences):

  • If a student exceeds the attendance policy, missing five (5) or more unexcused days in a semester or who’s attendance drops below 90% for the cumulative school year (including both excused and unexcused absences), the student will be assigned attendance remediation and will be ineligible to attend school trips, play sports or other incentive/extracurricular events. Extreme circumstances will be dealt with by the administration, on a case-by-case basis.
  • The parent/guardian will receive an automated phone call after 10:30 a.m. each time their child is absent from school.
  • If a student is absent from school for four (4) days, the student’s parent/guardians will be notified in writing.
  • The parent/guardian will receive a personal phone call from the office if their child is absent for (6) days.
  • When a student has accumulated a total of ten (10) absences for the year, the school will set up a conference to develop an attendance plan that includes specific intervention strategies designed to improve the student’s attendance. When a student misses more than ten (10) days, the district will then contact the Children’s Division Department of Social Services. More than ten (10) absences will be a factor in determining whether a student may be retained.

Excused absences will be granted for:

  • Personal illnesses or injury of a student with written confirmation by the medical provider. (A doctor’s statement, specifying the dates and times excused from school. Physician’s notes must be received by the principal or the elementary office within two days of being absent. If notes are not turned in during this time frame, absences will be considered unexcused.)
  • Medical and dental appointments with written confirmation from the medical provider. (A doctor’s statement, specifying the dates and times excused from school. Physician’s notes must be received by the principal or the elementary office within two days of being absent. If notes are not turned in during this time frame, absences will be considered unexcused.)
  • Death and/or funeral of family members with written confirmation by the parent. Each student will receive 3 bereavement days. (Written documentation must be provided to the elementary office within two days of the absent. If notes are not turned in during this time frame, absences will be considered unexcused.)
  • Verified court appointments or related court-ordered activity. (Written documentation must be provided to the elementary office within two days of the absent. If notes are not turned in during this time frame, absences will be considered unexcused.)
  • The school nurse may excuse a student for the remainder of the school day.

Attendance Remediation

Students absent five (5) or more days in a semester or who’s attendance drops below 90% for the cumulative school year (including both excused and unexcused absences), will be assigned attendance remediation. The purpose of attendance remediation is to allow students who exceed the attendance policy to make up classwork and lessons missed while absent. Attendance remediation will take place after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays for one and one-half (1.5) hours. Students will have an opportunity to make up missing assignments and receive help on homework that may have occurred due to excessive absences. Parents/Guardians are responsible for providing transportation following remediation and are to meet their child no later than 5:00 p.m. in the Elementary Parking Lot. Students who do not regularly serve the required hours will not be eligible to attend school trips, play sports or other incentive/extracurricular events. When a student misses more than ten (10) days, the district will then contact the Children’s Division Department of Social Services, even though attendance remediation has occurred.
