Couch R-I Student Handbook

Code of Ethics For Extracurricular and Interscholastic Organizations

Members of these teams and/or organizations have a dual role – they represent the team/organizations as a unit and they represent the school as a whole. Therefore, members must be credible school citizens. A credible school citizen is one whose conduct, both in school and out of school, will not reflect badly on oneself or on the school.

Members of all CHS organizations and teams will:

  1. Abide by the rules and regulations of the organizations or activity and of the school.
  2. Be law-abiding and truthful in his/her actions.
  3. Be honest and sincere.
  4. Refrain from any unbecoming behavior.
  5. Respect the rights and opinions of others.
  6. Willingly accept responsibility and duty.
  7. Willingly accept suggestions, criticisms, and decisions of instructors, coaches and sponsors.
  8. Cooperate with instructors, coaches, sponsors and fellow students.
  9. Utilize the appropriate steps to solve problems and to settle disagreements.
  10. Dress appropriately and neatly for the given occasion.
  11. Maintain satisfactory grades.
  12. At all times, conduct oneself in such a way that he/she will bring credit to him/herself, the organization or activity, and the school.

Failure to abide by any section of this CODE OF ETHICS may result in suspension or dismissal from the organization, the activity, or the school you represent – and the right to any rewards, recognitions, or scholarships you would have received as a member of the activity, organization or school.

Students who have served more than 3- ISS terms or 1- OSS term for any reason will not be eligible to run for office or to continue holding office during that school year.
