Couch R-I Student Handbook

Visitors Policy

Each visitor should go directly to the high school office to be issued a proper pass.

The Couch R-I School District believes that district events are a vital part of the total educational program and should be used as a means for developing positive social interaction, good sportsmanship and appropriate behavior, in addition to knowledge and skills. Well organized and well conducted programs contribute to the morale of the student body and strengthen school community relations. To this end, the Board encourages district patrons to exhibit good sportsmanship, citizenship, ethics and integrity at all district events and at all times while on district grounds. The Board will work with parents/guardians, alumni associations, and local organizations to keep behavior a top priority. The administration will establish procedures at district events consistent with this policy.

Visitors welcomed at Couch High School include:

  1. Parents/Guardians of Couch Junior/Senior high students.
  2. Individuals given permission through the principal’s office.

Visitors should follow these guidelines when visiting the school:

  1. Each visitor should go directly to the High School office to check in and then proceed to the Elementary Principal's office to let him/her know they are in the building and will be visiting.
  2. All visitors during the regular school day will receive a visitor's badge prior to proceeding elsewhere in the building.
  3. We discourage students from bringing visitor friends to their class.
  4. Visitors are not allowed in classrooms during instruction time.

The building principal has the right to waive this policy for certain events and circumstances.
