Couch R-I Student Handbook

After School Activities

Students are strongly encouraged to participate in or attend all home sporting events and other after-school activities and events. Students are expected to remain seated in designated areas and behave appropriately during games, programs and performances. Once a student leaves any school activity, he/she will not be readmitted. If a student is removed from any event, he/she may be banned from future activities, both home and away. Students are expected to have a ride home and leave immediately after each activity. Appropriate demonstrations of school spirit are expected and encouraged. Proper etiquette is required at all concerts, plays, musicals, assemblies, dances, events and programs. Staying after school to attend an evening event is not permitted unless under the direction of a teacher and prior approval has been granted from administration.

Students staying after school for school approved activities must have written permission from parents/guardians. Students without written permission will NOT be allowed to stay after school. Students, including siblings, who are not involved in the activity are not permitted to stay after school.
