Couch R-I Student Handbook

Message from the Counselor

To the Students of Couch High School:

At Couch High School, we believe that the education of all students is important, regardless of their plans following high school. We realize that a large number of our graduates will choose to attend a community or 4-year college/university, others may go directly into the workforce or the military, and still others may seek additional training at a post-secondary vocational school or technical school. The state A+ Schools program is designed to ensure that no matter which option is chosen, all high school students will be provided selections of courses, career counseling, technology and/or workplace skill development opportunities appropriate to their career goals.

The A+ Schools Program is dedicated to the following goals: all students will graduate from high school, all students will complete a high school curriculum that is rigorous and challenging and identifies learner expectations, and all students will proceed from high school graduation to college, post-secondary vocational/technical school or a high wage job with workplace skill opportunities.

For the new school year, the A+ Program will continue to have Career Day, job shadowing experiences, participate in Career/Job Fairs, and provide tutoring opportunities during and after school. I hope that you take advantage of some or all of the activities that will be taking place.

Students who have signed an A+ Agreement and have met all the requirements will be eligible to be reimbursed for two years of tuition at any Missouri public community college or vocational/technical school. These schools will provide training and skills that will increase your earning power and job satisfaction for a lifetime or will allow you to transfer to a four year college or university where you can earn a bachelor’s degree or higher.

Our main goal is to help each one of you and for all students to graduate with direction and confidence to enter the workforce in a high-wage job or go on to further education and training. I will be more than happy to discuss the A+ Program with you or your parents. This is an excellent program for any student because it is based on your efforts instead of financial need. I hope that each one of you will take advantage of the program. I look forward to working with you during this new school year.

Destini Ball
Destini Ball
Counselor/A+ Coordinator
