Couch R-I Student Handbook

Accidents at School

All accidents occurring at school or at school sponsored activities must be reported immediately to the administration and school nurse. Accidents of a serious nature will be reported immediately to parents and, if necessary, to an appropriate health care provider.


Head Lice

The Couch R-I School District encourages regular attendance in school and it is our practice to avoid unnecessary exclusion of students from school. Students with active head lice infestation or nits (eggs) will be excluded from school only to the minimum extent necessary for treatments. Students found to have live head lice or nits will be excluded until effective treatment and removal of all nits is completed. The parent/guardian is encouraged to complete treatment and to return student to school the same day when possible and no later than the next day. Students who have been sent home for head lice or nits may not ride the school bus until they have been reexamined and cleared by the school nurse and returned to class when it is determined that the treatment was effective and all nits have been removed. For students with excessive absenteeism due to head lice, or in cases when treatment is not secured in a timely manner, the school principal will be notified, and the matter may be reported to the Children’s Division of the Department of Social


Health Screenings

Screening for vision, hearing, speech, height and weight are done annually for specific grades. If a possible problem is detected, the student will be re-screened after an appropriate time. If a possible problem is still detected, a referral will be sent to the parent/guardian for professional evaluation. You will not be notified of positive screening results but may obtain the information by contacting the school nurse. Students may opt out of screenings with a written request and signature of parent/guardian requesting a specific screening not be done.

The school will not perform routine school-wide head lice screening. However, should case/s be reported, screening will be done, based on the identification of students most likely to have been exposed, as well as those residing with that student. Students who have nits and/or lice in their hair will be isolated from their class and a parent/guardian will be called to pick their child up. Children sent home with head lice must be treated, nits removed from the hair and the hair examined by the school nurse or other personnel before returning to classes. A strict No-Nit policy is adhered to.

Notification of needed immunizations will be sent to parent/guardian. Students will be excluded who are not in compliance by the appropriate date according to state law. Medication your child needs to take during the school day should be brought to the nurse in the original container with a note stating the date, child’s name, the time to be given, and dose, along with parent/guardian signature.



Homebound teaching is provided for students whose illness necessitates an absence of five (5) or more consecutive school days. This service is provided upon request of the student and approval from the physician. While on homebound services, a student may not attend school sponsored activities. The student must be in regular school attendance prior to the event to be eligible to attend school activities.


Illness and Injury

Your child may receive over the counter medication and first-aid care according to school policy. Your consent for this is given on your child's Emergency Form. If you do not want your child to receive Tylenol or Ibuprofen at school, then please indicate this on the Parent Permission Form to Administer Medication.

Parents/guardians will be contacted to pick up students if he/she has a temperature of 100 degrees or above, or in the event of other illness or injury, at the judgment of the nurse or other school personnel. Any chronic health problem your child has should be reported to the school for appropriate follow-up by the nurse.


Illness at School

In case of illness at school, report to the school nurse. The school nurse will notify the office of the status of the child and course of action to take.


Over-the-Counter Medication

Over the counter medication may be administered to a student upon receipt of the Medication Administration Permission form or written request and permission to do so by the parent/guardian. All over-the-counter medications must be brought to the school in the original packaging and will only be administered in accordance with the manufacturer’s label. The appropriate form must be on file in the health office for the students to receive over-the-counter medication from the school supply.


Prescription Medication

Prescription medication may be administered to students during school hours with written permission from the parent/guardian. The prescription label will be considered the equivalent of a prescriber’s written direction. The appropriate form is available in the health office.


Self-Administered Medication

Students with chronic health conditions may self-administer medication with completion of the appropriate permission forms available at school. The school nurse should be notified of any medication students bring to school.


Student Insurance

Low cost insurance is available for all students while under the jurisdiction of the school. Application forms for this purpose will be distributed at the beginning of school.


Student Medication

Medication your child needs to take during the school day should be brought to the nurse, before the school day begins, in the original container with a note stating the date, child’s name, the time to be given, and dose, along with parent/guardian signature.
