Couch R-I Student Handbook

Health Screenings

Screening for vision, hearing, speech, height and weight are done annually for specific grades. If a possible problem is detected, the student will be re-screened after an appropriate time. If a possible problem is still detected, a referral will be sent to the parent/guardian for professional evaluation. You will not be notified of positive screening results but may obtain the information by contacting the school nurse. Students may opt out of screenings with a written request and signature of parent/guardian requesting a specific screening not be done.

The school will not perform routine school-wide head lice screening. However, should case/s be reported, screening will be done, based on the identification of students most likely to have been exposed, as well as those residing with that student. Students who have nits and/or lice in their hair will be isolated from their class and a parent/guardian will be called to pick their child up. Children sent home with head lice must be treated, nits removed from the hair and the hair examined by the school nurse or other personnel before returning to classes. A strict No-Nit policy is adhered to.

Notification of needed immunizations will be sent to parent/guardian. Students will be excluded who are not in compliance by the appropriate date according to state law. Medication your child needs to take during the school day should be brought to the nurse in the original container with a note stating the date, child’s name, the time to be given, and dose, along with parent/guardian signature.
