Couch R-I Student Handbook


During lunch hour, students may be in the cafeteria. All other areas, including the gym and student parking lot are off limits. Students may be checked out of the cafeteria for a specific purpose, such as basketball practice or club activity, but must remain in the Old Gym under direct supervision.

Breakfast and lunch for Preschool-6th grade will continue to use the regular lunch program. Applications will need to be completed and returned to the elementary office to potentially qualify for free or reduced lunch prices, all students will be charged for extra milks. Breakfast and lunch bills should be paid weekly. Per the Board of Education, the breakfast and lunch bills that exceed $50.00 will be given an alternative meal, until the balance is paid in full.

Breakfast Lunch
Adult $3.10 $4.60
Student Reduced $0.50 $0.60
Student Full $1.75 $2.15
  • If your child can not drink milk with their lunch due to medical reasons, please have your doctor write a note and send it to your child’s teacher. Your child will be given juice or water to drink with their meal.
  • Each student is to be mannerly, courteous, and quiet in the lunchroom.
  • When students bring lunches, they may bring drinks, however sodas are not allowed. No refrigeration is available.
  • No drinks in glass bottles are allowed in the lunchroom.
  • Students are not allowed to eat food from other student’s plates.
  • No food is to be taken out of the cafeteria.
  • Students that require food modifications must have a physician signed medical statement before meal modifications can be made. Forms are available in the nurse’s office.
