Couch R-I Student Handbook

C.H.S. Discipline Code

All students and parents please read the following discipline code very carefully. Then sign and return the attached sheet to the high school office.

Goals and Philosophy

In any endeavor involving large numbers of people, a reasonable amount of discipline is necessary for a smooth operation. Teaching/learning being “the” operation of the school makes discipline necessary. Most teachers agree that the best discipline is self-discipline, so with this in mind we will try to establish a code within which we can work to try to alter behavior when necessary and to strengthen good behavior. When counseling has failed to establish desirable behavior, we will resort to punishment and suspension or expulsion in an effort to maintain an atmosphere in which the teacher can teach and the students can learn. (It is our firm belief that students have a right to a quiet and orderly school atmosphere and that teachers have a right to work at their profession without interference.) In pursuing this line of thought, we have tried to write a list, albeit a partial list, of unacceptable behavior manifestations and punishments that will result from such behavior. It is not an attempt to write a complete list of “do’s” and “don’ts” but it is a framework of longstanding school rules. With the exercise of common sense it will be little or no problem to live within this framework.

(Any rules we might write and any punishments we might prescribe at this time will not supersede the administration’s prerogative suspension or expulsion.)

Throughout this discipline code, in-school suspension will be used as much as practical in lieu of out-of-school suspension. However, out-of-school suspension will be used in certain flagrant violations when deemed necessary by the administration. Some of these violations are: drug/alcohol abuse, threat of violence, disruption of orderly school process, etc.

Students at Couch High School have the following rights when facing disciplinary action:

  • Students will be told of the rules that were broken or the behavior that is not acceptable.
  • Students will be told of the consequences they face as a result of such actions.
  • Students have a right to due process (telling their side of the story or saying something in their own defense).
  • Students are expected to maintain appropriate behavior and address school personnel with respect while facing disciplinary consequences.

Violations and Consequences

Consequences of failure to obey standards of conduct (the standard is the best judgment of the teacher, administrator, Couch R-I employee), are as follows, in no particular order:

  • Verbal correction by the teacher
  • Noon detention
  • After School Tutoring
  • Assignment of work detail, or some other form of restitution
  • In-school suspension
  • Social Suspension
  • Visit the principal for counseling and/or punishment
  • Out-of-School Suspension
  • Suspension from school bus
  • Suspension of driving privileges
  • Expulsion from school
