Couch R-I Student Handbook

Driving and Parking

Driving and parking on school property are privileges granted by the Board of Education to students who have reason to be in the schools or on the school property. The administrative staff will have the responsibility for the assignment of parking areas to staff, students, and visitors to the schools. Convenient parking areas will be designated for persons with disabilities. All licensed students must obtain a parking pass free of charge at the beginning of the school year by filling out the form in the back to school paperwork and turning into the office. Students who lose their parking pass can pay $20.00 to obtain a new one. All parking spaces will be open each day to those who have a valid parking permit and displayable tags.

All Couch Senior High school student, 16 years of age and older, at the beginning of a school year, who have been issued a valid Missouri Driver’s license, and who are not presently under any state license suspension or revocation shall be eligible to make an application for a driving permit for parking at CHS. This policy shall be effective during the following hours: 7:15 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. Students who drive automobiles to school should drive carefully around the school area. Violation of this policy in any part may cause suspension of a student’s privilege to park on the CHS campus as well as consequences as outlined in the CHS Disciplinary Policy. First offense may result in driving privileges being revoked for a minimum of two weeks. Repeated offenses may cause suspension of parking on the school grounds for the remainder of the year.

Those students granted permission to operate a motor vehicle should understand that driving their vehicles to school is a privilege which may be revoked by the school authorities in the event a student violates any of the guidelines pertaining to the Student Driving Policy. Vehicles parked on school property are subject to random searches at any time pursuant to Board policy. The Couch School District assumes no responsibility or liability for injuries to persons or for damage or loss of contents from any vehicle while on school property.

Any student wishing to drive to school must abide by the following rules:

  • Any student who parks on school property without a valid and visibly displayed parking tag, parks in disabled spaces, parks in visitor spaces, parks in any other unapproved area, or who commits any other driving violation will be subject to the following actions: warning - first offense, $10 fine - second offense, and $15 fine- third and all subsequent offenses. All fines must be paid in full by the due date on the ticket or students may face additional disciplinary consequences. All fines are final and consequences are non-negotiable.
  • Students who chronically violate the parking policy may lose their driving privileges for up to one year.
  • Students must observe posted speed limits and maintain a safe driving speed while on school property.
  • Excessive acceleration and “burn outs” are strictly prohibited on school property.
  • Students must park in designated student parking lots.
  • School buses and pedestrians have the right-of-way at all times.
  • Driving privileges may be denied for violation of attendance policies (to include absences, tardies, and/or leaving school without permission), or discipline policies, as stated in this handbook.
  • Students are not allowed to move their vehicle without permission from a school administrator.
  • Students are not allowed to go to their vehicle during the school day without administrative approval.
  • Students are to complete a "Pupil Driving Permit Registration and Agreement" form available in the main office.
  • A valid tag must be displayed on the passenger side front windshield in the vehicle that is being driven to school. Failure to display a valid parking tag will result in a fine and/or loss of driving privileges.
  • Students are not to loiter in or around their cars or in parking lots before, during, and after school hours.
  • Students parked on campus without a valid parking tag may also be subject to disciplinary consequences.
  • Violation of these rules may result in suspension of driving privileges for a period of time to be determined by the administration along with other consequences per the Code of Conduct.
  • Have attendance of 90% or above.
  • Students serving In-School Suspension shall not be granted parking privileges while serving said suspension.
