Couch R-I Student Handbook

Rules and Safety Regulations for Students Riding on Buses

  1. Driver is in charge of the students and the bus. Students must obey the driver promptly.
  2. Students should be on time at the bus stop; the bus cannot wait beyond its regular schedule for those who are tardy.
  3. Students should never stand in the roadway while waiting for the bus.
  4. Unnecessary conversation with the driver is prohibited.
  5. Profane language and gestures are prohibited.
  6. Proper conduct is to be observed by pupils while riding the bus.
  7. Students must not throw things on the bus or extend their arms or head out of the bus windows.
  8. Students must not try to board or exit the bus while the bus is moving nor move around on the bus while the bus is in motion.
  9. Fighting will result in suspension from the bus and will require a meeting with the Principal.
  10. No animals shall be permitted on the bus.
  11. No weapon of any sort shall be permitted on the bus.
  12. Any damage to the bus should be reported at once to the driver.
  13. School buses are considered extensions of the school environment. Any student whose conduct on a school bus is improper or jeopardizes the safety of other students may have his/her school bus transportation suspended.
