Couch R-I Student Handbook

Philosophy of Couch R-I Schools

The Couch R-I School District recognizes that the purpose of education is to help the student realize his/her self-worth and thus leading them toward becoming a productive member of a democratic society. A strong emphasis must be placed upon the fundamentals of academic, physical, and technical skills as well as social and democratic values. The district adheres to the belief that cooperation among parents, educators, students, and community is essential for success.

Each student is a unique individual; therefore, we believe that education should provide an opportunity for the maximum development of each individual within the limitations of his/her capacities. We believe that the student must take responsibility for his/her education as an opportunity to enhance his/her skills and talents as a guide to becoming a productive member of society. Students should internalize ownership of the knowledge and skills they gain while attending Couch R-I School.

We recognize the role of the educator is to provide an environment in which individuals can be challenged to the maximum level of their capacity, as they acquire knowledge and skills to solve problems which will help them to become productive members of society. We recognize that the role of the parents/guardians is to encourage their child each day to give his/her best effort to maximum education.
