Couch R-I Student Handbook

Random Drug Testing

Throughout the nation, drug use and abuse among our youth are increasing. The Couch R-I School District has a deep commitment to deter and prevent student drug use and to offer student activities in a safe, secure, drug-free school setting. Because it is concerned about the health and safety of students, the superintendent or designee will implement a drug testing program where students 9-12 are required, as a condition of participation in MSHSAA/school sponsored activities/A+ program to consent to random drug screening. Students who test positive for drugs, or who otherwise violate the screening process may be suspended or excluded from covered activities. The sanctions of this policy relate solely to limiting the opportunity of any student found to be in violation of this policy to participate in MSHSAA sponsored activities/A+ program. If the discipline policy of the Couch R-I School District is violated with respect to drugs and alcohol, the student will be subject to the consequences of the discipline policy.

Participation in extracurricular activities is a privilege, not a right or entitlement. Thus, no student is guaranteed participation in any extra-curricular activity. District officials possess the authority to eliminate this privilege at any time upon the exercise of their professional judgment and discretion.

It is because we value our students’ health and safety so much that the following drug testing policy will be in effect beginning with the 2022-2023 school year. This policy will require that students wishing to participate in co-curricular activities, extra-curricular activities, be subject to drug testing from the first day of school to the last day of school. The specific details of the testing program and the consequences associated with violating this policy are described below.

Activities included, but not limited, in the Drug Testing Policy are:

  • Cross Country
  • Basketball
  • Volleyball
  • A+
  • Baseball
  • Softball
  • Track & Field
  • FBLA
  • FFA
  • Quiz Bowl
  • Beta Club

Consent - The parent or legal guardian of the student participant will be required to agree to and sign a written consent form prior to the students’ participation in any of the above-mentioned activities. The consent form will also bind the students and parents to compliance with the terms of this policy.

The refusal to consent to the application of any provision in this policy will result in the automatic exclusion of a student from all above-mentioned until consent is provided. The consent of a parent or legal guardian, as well as the student is required for all students under the age of 18.

Privacy and Confidentiality - Parents of students who are under the age of 18 and who still have the right of access to student records will receive all information applicable to the testing of their children under this policy. All information and records relating to a students’ participation in the testing program under this policy shall remain confidential as required by law and shall be maintained in a separate file from the students’ educational records.

PROCEDURES - Selection for testing is random; each student who signs a consent form will be assigned a number that will be given to the screening agency. The list of student names and their corresponding numbers will be maintained by the school. Only the School Nurse, High School Principal, and Superintendent will have access to the list. The number of students and number of test dates will be determined by the district.

A student may refuse to be tested, but if he/she chooses to do so, he/she will immediately be suspended from participating in any MSHSAA or school sponsored activities/A+ Program until consent is given.

  • After a student tests positive for illegal substances, he/she will be subject to non-random testing at the request of the administration for the remainder of the student’s participation in any MSHSAA/or school sponsored activities/A+ Program for a period of 365 days.
  • First Offense - Consequences for the first offense is suspension from participating in any MSHSAA/school sponsored activities for a period of 30 calendar days from when the test administrator finalized the results of the test, if the student’s activity is in season. If the student’s MSHSAA/school sponsored activities is not in season, then the start date will be the day the student begins participation in any MSHSAA/school sponsored activity. The student will be expected to attend all practice sessions, all meetings and team competitions during the suspension. For A+ students, the 30 days will begin when the test administrator finalizes the results of the test and will effect A+ activities/cadet teaching hours. The student must submit proof of completion of an approved educational drug/alcohol program that is offered outside of the school at the student’s expense. A+ students must also complete the Appeals Process for re-admittance into the A+ Program. A+ students are limited to one offense.
  • Second Offense - Consequences for the second offense is suspension from participation in MSHSAA/school sponsored activities for a period of 90 calendar days from when the test administrator finalized the results of the test, if the student’s activity is in season. If the student’s MSHSAA/school sponsored activity is not in season, then the start date will be the day the student begins to participate in any MSHSAA/school sponsored activity. The student will be expected to attend all practice sessions, all meetings and team competitions during the suspension. The student must submit proof of completion of an approved educational drug/alcohol program that is offered outside of the school at the student’s expense.
  • Third Offense - Consequences for the third offense is suspension from participation in MSHSAA/school sponsored activities for a period of 365 calendar days from when the test administrator finalized the results of the test, if the student’s activity is in season. If the student’s MSHSAA/school sponsored activity is not in season, then the start date will be the day the student begins participation in any MSHSAA/school sponsored activity. The student will be expected to attend all practice sessions, all meetings, and team competitions during the suspension. The student must submit proof of completion of any approved educational drug/alcohol program that is offered outside of school at the student’s expense.

Attendance at games and contests is at the sole discretion of administration. If students are permitted by the administration to attend they are to do so in non-uniform attire. Attendance at contests does not preclude the completion of additional work or activities to maintain skills. Practice attendance is unchanged by a student’s suspension. If practice is required, then practice should be attended as normal.

Effect on other policies – Under no circumstances does this policy supersede or supplant any other policy. A student who has violated this policy and another must serve consequences for both separately. Furthermore this policy does not replace or supersede any other district policies regarding drugs or illegal substances.
