Couch R-I Student Handbook

Extracurricular Activities

To participate in extracurricular activities, students must attend school for at least 75% of the day of the activity or game unless they obtain advance permission from the High School Principal. For MSHAA sanctioned activities on weekends or when school is not in session, students must not have any unexcused or unjustified absences on the last day of attendance. Exceptions can be made for doctor’s appointments or funerals. Students must be enrolled in and passing a minimum of 7 or 8 classes per semester to maintain eligibility, and seventh and eighth graders must be attending normal courses for their grade or a full course load. Failing more than one subject in a quarter makes seventh and eighth graders ineligible for the following quarter. A signed permission slip from a parent or legal guardian is required for participation in extracurricular activities or school-sponsored clubs, with permissions obtained at the start of each school year by the Couch School District.

Additionally, students must maintain a passing cumulative semester grade of 60% or above in all classes, with one two-week probationary period each semester. A cumulative attendance of 90% or above, including all excused and unexcused absences, is required for eligibility. Extreme circumstances will be addressed by the administration on a case-by-case basis. Students assigned in-school or out-of-school suspension are ineligible for extracurricular activities during the suspension. Leadership position holders will be removed if they receive ISS, OSS, or two or more detentions per semester, with extreme circumstances handled case-by-case by the administration.

Students are required to ride the bus (school transportation) to all extracurricular activities and all athletic events in order to play. Students are encouraged to ride the bus (school transportation) back to school after an activity. However, circumstances may arise whereby other means of transportation is allowed:

  • A parent/guardian may sign the coach’s Sign Out sheet after the activity
  • A parent/guardian may submit in writing a request to the principal to allow his/her student to ride home with an adult family member or other adult.
  • Students will not be permitted to leave off-campus extracurricular activities with other students, boyfriends, girlfriends, etc.
