Couch R-I Student Handbook

Prohibited Conduct and Consequences

The following are descriptions of prohibited conduct and potential consequences for violations. Building-level administrators are authorized to more narrowly tailor potential consequences as appropriate for the age level of students in the building within the ranges established in this regulation. In addition to the consequences specified here, school officials will notify law enforcement and document violations in the student's discipline file pursuant to law and Board policy. All acts of violence and/or violation of the Safe Schools Act will be reported to law enforcement.


Academic Misconduct (ACAD)

Cheating on tests, assignments, projects or similar activities; plagiarism; claiming credit for another person's work; fabrication of facts, sources or other supporting material; unauthorized collaboration; facilitating academic dishonesty; and other misconduct related to academics.

Grades 7-8 Grades 9-12
First Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • Grade Reduction
  • Replace Assignment
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • No Credit for Work

Failure to Complete Assignments (Teacher Consequences)

Grades 7-8 Grades 9-12
First Offense 1-2 Days detention 1-2 Days detention
Second Offense 2-4 Days detention 2-4 Days detention
Third Offense 3-5 Days detention 3-5 Days detention

Failure to Complete Assignments (Principle Consequences)

Grades 7-8 Grades 9-12
First Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1-2 Days ISS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1-2 Days ISS
Second Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 2-4 Days ISS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 2-4 Days ISS
  • Driving Privileges Suspended
Third Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 3-5 Days ISS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 3-5 Days ISS
  • Driving Privileges Suspended
Fourth Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 5-10 Days ISS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 5-10 Days ISS
  • Driving Privileges Suspended


Alcohol/Drugs violations are divided into two offense categories. School Police Report may be required. See Board of Education policy JFCH and JHCD. Suspensions may be reduced with successful completion of a substance abuse assessment.

Possession or Use of Illegal/Prescription Alcohol/Drugs (ALPO, DRG1)

Grades 7-8 Grades 9-12
First Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 3-10 Days OSS (may be reduced to 5 Days with successful completion of substance abuse assessment)
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 10 Days OSS (may be reduced to 7 Days with successful completion of substance abuse assessment)
Second and Subsequent Offenses
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 10 Days OSS*
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 10 Days OSS*

Sale or Distribution of Illegal/Prescription Alcohol/Drugs (ALCO, DRG2)

This may qualify as a Safe Schools Violation and require administration to notify staff members on a need-to-know basis.

Grades 7-8 Grades 9-12
First and Subsequent Offenses
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 10 Days OSS*
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 10 Days OSS*


The intentional and knowing use of fire on Couch R-I School District property that may or may not cause damage to district property or property of others; or, the attempt to commit arson. Arson violations are divided into two offense categories.

Class I Arson Offense (ARS1)

Grades 7-8 Grades 9-12
First Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1-5 Days ISS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1-5 Days ISS
Second Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 6-10 Days ISS – 10 Days OSS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 6-10 Days ISS – 10 Days OSS

Class II Arson Offense (ARS2)

Characterized by arson that causes property damage, injury to persons, or interruption to the educational or extracurricular process. This may qualify as a Safe Schools Violation and require administration to notify staff members on a need-to-know basis.

Grades 7-8 Grades 9-12
First and Subsequent Offenses
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 10 Days OSS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 10 Days OSS

Assaultive Behavior

Intentionally or recklessly causing injury to another. Assaultive behavior is divided into nine categories. This may qualify as a Safe Schools Violation and require administration to notify staff members on a need-to-know basis.

Class I Assaultive Behavior (ASB1)

Assaultive behavior toward a person who does not indicate a desire to fight and thereafter does not engage in such conduct AND does not meet the definition of Class II Assaultive Behavior. School. Police Report is required.

Grades 7-8 Grades 9-12
First Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1-3 Days ISS/OSS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1-3 Days ISS/OSS
  • Driving Privileges Suspended
Second Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 3-5 Days ISS/OSS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 3-5 Days ISS/OSS
  • Driving Privileges Suspended
Third Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 5-7 Days ISS/OSS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 5-7 Days ISS/OSS
  • Driving Privileges Suspended
Subsequent Offenses
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 7-10 Days ISS/OSS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 7-10 Days ISS/OSS
  • Driving Privileges Suspended

Class II Assaultive Behavior (ASB2)

Assaultive behavior toward a person who does not indicate a desire to fight and thereafter does not engage in such conduct which causes significant physical injury (i.e. stitches, broken bones, unconsciousness or where an ambulance must be called to care for any person). School Police Report is required.

Grades 7-8 Grades 9-12
First Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 3-10 Days OSS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 3-10 Days OSS
Second Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 10 Days OSS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 10 Days OSS

Class I Fighting (ASF1)

Physical conflict involving two or more participants which does not cause significant physical injury (i.e. stitches, broken bones, unconsciousness or where an ambulance must be called to care for any person) to any person engaged in the physical conflict. School Police Report is not required.

Grades 7-8 Grades 9-12
First Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1 Day ISS-5 Days OSS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1 Day ISS-5 Days OSS
Second Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 3 Days ISS-7 Days OSS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 3 Days ISS-7 Days OSS
  • Driving Privileges Suspended
Third and Subsequent Offenses
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 5-10 Days ISS-10 Days OSS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 5-10 Days ISS-10 Days OSS
  • Driving Privileges Suspended

Class II Fighting (ASF2)

Physical conflict involving two or more participants, which causes significant physical injury, as defined above, to any person engaged in the physical conflict. School Police Report is required.

Grades 7-8 Grades 9-12
First Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 3-10 Days OSS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 5-10 Days OSS
Second and Subsequence Offenses
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 10 Days OSS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 10 Days OSS

Threatening to Fight (ASF3)

Expression of the intent to engage in assaultive behavior toward another. School Police Report is not required.

Grades 7-8 Grades 9-12
First Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1-3 Days ISS
  • Peer Mediation
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1-3 Days ISS
  • Peer Mediation
Second Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 3-5 Days ISS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 3-5 Days ISS
  • Driving Privileges Suspended
Third and Subsequence Offenses
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 5-10 Days ISS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 5-10 Days ISS
  • Driving Privileges Suspended

Assaultive Behavior toward a School Personnel

Assaultive behavior toward a school district employee whether the conduct occurs on or off school district property; or threatening to engage in assaultive behavior toward a school district employee whether the conduct occurs on or off school district property; or verbally or physically intimidating conduct toward a school district employee whether the conduct occurs on or off school district property. School Police Report is required.

Grades 7-8 Grades 9-12
First Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 3-10 Days OSS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 3-10 Days OSS
Second Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 10 Days OSS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 10 Days OSS

Assaultive Behavior toward a Non-Student (ASAN)

Assaultive behavior toward non-students, including but not limited to student teachers, visitors, voters, volunteers, law enforcement personnel; threatening to engage in assaultive behavior toward non-students; or verbally or physically intimidating conduct toward non-students on school property or at school sponsored event. School Police Report is required.

Grades 7-8 Grades 9-12
First Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 3-10 Days OSS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 3-10 Days OSS
Second Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 10 Days OSS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 10 Days OSS

Threats of Violence toward a Person

The verbal, written, or physical communication of a threat to:

  • inflict serious physical injury or death upon any person;
  • bring a Class III Weapon (as defined in Board of Education Policy JFCJ) or a Class II Explosive Device onto school district property or in the immediate vicinity thereof;
  • possess a Class III Weapon or Class II Explosive Device while traveling to or from school;
  • bring a Class III Weapon or a Class II Explosive Device onto a vehicle operated by or for the school district for the transportation of student;
  • Bring a Class III Weapon or Class II Explosive Device to a district-sponsored or district-directed activity; or
  • Use a Class III Weapon or a Class II Explosive Device on any person. School Police Report is required.
Grades 7-8 Grades 9-12
First Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1-3 Days OSS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1-3 Days OSS
Second Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 3-5 Days OSS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 3-5 Days OSS
Third and Subsequent Offenses
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 5-10 Days OSS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 5-10 Days OSS

Threat of Violence Involving Property

The verbal, written, or physical communication of a threat to inflict serious property damage upon school district property, or property which is located on school district property, by use of a Class III Weapon, a Class II Explosive device, or by use of fire. School Police Report required.

Grades 7-8 Grades 9-12
First Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1-3 Days OSS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1-3 Days OSS
Second Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 3-5 Days OSS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 3-5 Days OSS
Third and Subsequent Offenses
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 5-10 Days OSS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 5-10 Days OSS

Auto Violations

Uncourteous or unsafe driving on or around district property, failure to exit vehicle when asked, unregistered parking, failure to move vehicle at the request of district officials, failure to follow directions given by district officials or failure to follow established rules for parking or driving on district property.

Grades 7-8 Grades 9-12
First Offense Not Applicable
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • Warning
Second Offense Not Applicable
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • Loss of driving privileges -3 Days
  • $10.00 fine
Third Offense Not Applicable
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • Loss of driving privileges -10 Days
  • $15.00 fine
Fourth and Subsequent Offenses Not Applicable
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • Loss of driving privileges - Remainder of school year
  • $15.00 fine


See Harassment Section.

Bus Safety Violations

Any offense committed by a student on transportation provided by or through the district shall be punished in the same manner as if the offense had been committed at the student’s assigned school, unless the violation is listed below. In addition to school discipline, transportation privileges may be suspended or revoked.

Inappropriate Conduct

To include but not limited to standing while the bus is moving, yelling, littering in the bus, use of food or drink, not sitting in assigned seat, not sitting properly, eating on the bus, shoving or pushing (horseplay), not following directions of drivers, etc. (Student may be suspended from riding the bus beginning with the first offense.)

Grades 7-8 Grades 9-12
First Offense
  • Bus Driver Warning
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1-5 Days detention
  • Bus Driver Warning
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1-5 Days detention
Second Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • Removal from the bus for 1-5 Days
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • Removal from the bus for 1-5 Days
Third Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • Removal from the bus for 6-10 Days
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • Removal from the bus for 6-10 Days
Fourth Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • Removal from the bus for remainder of semester
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • Removal from the bus for remainder of semester
Fifth and Subsequent Offenses
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • Permanent Removal
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • Permanent Removal

Computer/Electronic Device Use

Unauthorized Use of Computers/Electronic Devices (COMP)

  • the use of a computer, handheld device, or any computer system to access, without authorization, a database, computer network, or computer system owned by the school district or an employee of the school district;
  • use of a school district computer, handheld device, or any computer system to access, without authorization, a database, computer network, or computer system owned by the school district or any other person or entity;
  • use of a computer, handheld device or any computer system at school to download or review data or other materials from a database, computer network, or computer system, with or without authorization, when access or downloading such data is prohibited, is pornographic or advocates violence or civil disobedience;
  • use of a school district computer, handheld device, or any computer system to do, attempt to do, any of the following:
    • Bypass a District web filter (CIPA filter)
    • Install any executable file on a district servers or a computer
    • Run unauthorized files from district servers
    • Access a proxy server (anonymizer)
    • Obtain and/or store images that, in the opinion of the district, are pornographic (Whether or not they are blocked by web filters)
    • Download and/or store music and/or movie files on district servers
    • Engage in other activity that is prohibited by the district or the administration of the school
Grades 7-8 Grades 9-12
First Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1-5 Days ISS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1-5 Days ISS
Second Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 5-10 Days ISS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 5-10 Days ISS
  • Driving Privileges Suspended
Third Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1-10 Days OSS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1-10 Days OSS

Violations could result in loss of technology privileges for time periods determined by administration.

Tampering with Computer Equipment or Data (COMT)

School Police Report is required. The modification or destruction of data or programs that reside or exist internal to a district computer, computer system or computer network; or The modification or destruction of programs or supporting documentation residing or existing external to a district computer, computer system or network; or Disclose or take data, programs or supporting documentation that resides or exists internal or external to a district computer, computer system or computer network; or Entry into a district computer, computer system or computer network to intentionally examine information about another person or entity, in the opinion of the district including, but not limited to the following offenses.

  • Gaining access tools (e.g. Nwperak, Legion)
  • Privilege escalation and back door tools (e.g. Getadmin, John the Ripper, Netcat)
  • Enumeration tools (e.g. Smurf, Teardrop, Syndrop)
  • Countermeasure tools (e.g. BlackICE, Realsecure)
  • Scanning tools (e.g. Fping, UPD scan)
  • Any other tools that could be used to bypass district computers or other security systems
Grades 7-8 Grades 9-12
First Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 5-10 Days ISS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 5-10 Days ISS
Second Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1-10 Days OSS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1-10 Days OSS

Violations could result in loss of technology privileges for time periods determined by administration.

Class I Inappropriate Use of Electronic Device (COM1)

The act of using electronic devices to create, record, or display confidential or private events. This would include the filming, recording, or display of situations including but not limited to:

  • acts of violence
  • disruptions to school environment
  • images of faculty, staff or other students without permission
  • or other acts prohibited by the school disciplinary code, including printing violations
Grades 7-8 Grades 9-12
First Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1-3 Days ISS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1-3 Days ISS
Second Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 3-5 Days ISS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 3-5 Days ISS
  • Driving Privileges Suspended
Third Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 5-10 Days ISS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 5-10 Days ISS
  • Driving Privileges Suspended

Violations could result in loss of technology privileges for time periods determined by administration.

Class II Inappropriate Use of Electronic Device

The distribution of video, digital images, sound, pictures, or other recording of confidential or private events. This would include the filming, recording or display of situations including but not limited to:

  • acts of violence
  • disruptions to school environment
  • images of faculty, staff or other students without permission
  • other acts prohibited by the school disciplinary code, including printing violations
Grades 7-8 Grades 9-12
First Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1-5 Days of ISS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1-5 Days of ISS
Second Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 5-10 Days of ISS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 5-10 Days of ISS
  • Driving Privileges Suspended

Violations could result in loss of technology privileges for time periods determined by administration.

Cell Phone Use/Misuse

Cell phone use or misuse that does not constitute an inappropriate use of an electronic device is defined as using a cell phone during non-permitted times or in a way that causes a disruption to the learning environment.

Grades 7-8 Grades 9-12
First Offense
  • Warning
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • Student may pick up at end of Day from officeParent may be contacted
  • Warning
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • Student may pick up at end of Day from officeParent may be contacted
Second Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1 Day detention AND parent contact
  • Student may pick up at end of Day from officeParent may be contacted
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1 Day detention AND parent contact
  • Student may pick up at end of Day from officeParent may be contacted
Third and Subsequent Offenses
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1 - 3 Days ISS AND parent contact
  • Parent may pick up phone at the end of the Day from office.
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1 - 3 Days ISS AND parent contact
  • Parent may pick up phone at the end of the Day from office.

Defiance and Disrespect for Authority, Including Bus Driver

Defiance of Authority or Insubordination

Refusal to comply with a reasonable request or direction of district personnel or others in authority where there is no expressed disrespect for authority.

Grades 7-8 Grades 9-12
First Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1 Day ISS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1 Day ISS
Second Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 3-5 Days ISS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 3-5 Days ISS
  • Driving Privileges Suspended
Third Offence
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 5-10 Days ISS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 5-10 Days ISS
  • Driving Privileges Suspended
Fourth and Subsequent Offenses
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1-10 Days OSS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1-10 Days OSS
  • Driving Privileges Suspended

Disrespect for Authority

Overt conduct that exhibits a lack of proper respect for district personnel or others in authority, including incivility, irreverence, impudence, discourteousness or profanity directed toward any person in authority; or such conduct toward any Couch R-I School District employee during or in conjunction with any district-sponsored or district-directed activity either on or off district property.

Grades 7-8 Grades 9-12
First Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1-3 Days ISS/OSS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1-3 Days ISS/OSS
Second Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 2-4 Days ISS/OSS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 2-4 Days ISS/OSS
  • Driving Privileges Suspended
Third Offence
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 3-5 Days ISS/OSS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 3-5 Days ISS/OSS
  • Driving Privileges Suspended
Fourth Offence
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 5-7 Days ISS/OSS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 5-7 Days ISS/OSS
  • Driving Privileges Suspended
Fifth and Subsequent Offenses
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 8-10 Days ISS/OSS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 8-10 Days ISS/OSS
  • Driving Privileges Suspended

Destruction of Property/Vandalism

Conduct that destroys, mutilates, vandalizes or defaces objects, buildings, materials or property belonging to the Couch R-I School District or district personnel wherever the property is located; or toward property of others that is located on district property. Destruction of Property/Vandalism is divided into two offense categories.

Class I Destruction of Property/Vandalism

Conduct that involves destruction of property/vandalism where the property destroyed/vandalized has a market value, replacement, clean-up, or repair cost of less than one hundred dollars ($100.00) in the opinion of the building administration.

Grades 7-8 Grades 9-12
First Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • Restitution
  • 1-3 Days ISS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • Restitution
  • 1-3 Days ISS
Second Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • Restitution
  • 3-5 Days ISS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • Restitution
  • 3-5 Days ISS
  • Driving Privileges Suspended
Third Offence
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • Restitution
  • 1-10 Days ISS/OSS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • Restitution
  • 1-10 Days ISS/OSS
  • Driving Privileges Suspended

Class II Destruction of Property/Vandalism

Conduct that involves destruction of property/vandalism where the property destroyed/vandalized has a market value, replacement, clean-up, or repair cost of one hundred dollars ($100.00) or more in the opinion of the building administration. Class II Destruction of Property/Vandalism Offense may qualify as a Safe Schools Violation and require administration to notify staff members on a need-to-know basis. School Police Report is required if value exceeds $750.

Grades 7-8 Grades 9-12
First Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • Restitution
  • 3-5 Days ISS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • Restitution
  • 3-5 Days ISS
Second Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • Restitution
  • 5-10 Days ISS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • Restitution
  • 5-10 Days ISS
  • Driving Privileges Suspended
Third Offence
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • Restitution
  • 1-5 Days OSS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • Restitution
  • 1-5 Days OSS
  • Driving Privileges Suspended

Disorderly Conduct, Threatening or Instigating Trouble

Riotous, rowdy, disruptive or unruly conduct that breaks up the order or progress of the educational process in or out of the classroom; or the general use of non-directed profanity in the classroom.

Teacher Consequences

Grades 7-8 Grades 9-12
First Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1-2 Days Detention
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1-2 Days Detention
Second Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 2-4 Days Detention
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 2-4 Days Detention
Third Offence
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 3-5 Days Detention
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 3-5 Days Detention
Principal Consequences
Grades 7-8 Grades 9-12
First Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1-2 Days ISS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1-2 Days ISS
Second Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 2-4 Days ISS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 2-4 Days ISS
  • Driving Privileges Suspended
Third Offence
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 3-5 Days ISS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 3-5 Days ISS
  • Driving Privileges Suspended
Fourth Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1-3 Days ISS/OSS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1-3 Days ISS/OSS
  • Driving Privileges Suspended
Fifth Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 2-4 Days Detention
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 2-4 Days ISS/OSS
  • Driving Privileges Suspended
Sixth Offence
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 5-10 Days Detention
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 5-10 Days ISS/OSS
  • Driving Privileges Suspended

Permanent removal may be exercised before all previous infractions are used.

Hazardous Conduct, Instigating Trouble

Conduct that creates or has the potential to create a dangerous, hazardous, or harmful situation.

Grades 7-8 Grades 9-12
First Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1-5 Days ISS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1-5 Days ISS
Second Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 5-10 Days ISS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 5-10 Days ISS
  • Driving Privileges Suspended
Third Offence
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1-10 Days OSS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1-10 Days OSS
  • Driving Privileges Suspended


See Alcohol/Drugs policy.

Explosive Devices

Possession of Class I Explosive Device(s)

The possession of fireworks which are otherwise legal to possess. School Police Report is required.

Grades 7-8 Grades 9-12
First Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1-3 Days OSS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1-3 Days OSS
Second Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 3-10 Days OSS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 3-10 Days OSS

Use or Attempted Use of Class I Explosive Device(s)

The use or attempted use of fireworks which are otherwise legal to possess. School Police Report is required.

Grades 7-8 Grades 9-12
First Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 5-10 Days OSS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 5-10 Days OSS
Second Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 10 Days OSS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 10 Days OSS

Class II Explosive Devices

The possession or use of explosives, incendiary devices, bombs or similar devices; or possession of materials to manufacture such devices in whole or in part; or possession of instructions or directions for the manufacture of such devices or other explosive devices. Class II Explosive Devices Offense may qualify as a Safe Schools Violation and require administration to notify staff members on a need-to-know basis. School Police Report is required.

Grades 7-8 Grades 9-12
First Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 10 Days OSS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 10 Days OSS

Extortion (EXTO)

Gaining or attempting to gain something of value from another by compulsion, by actual force, or by threats that place the person in fear. School Police Report is required.

Grades 7-8 Grades 9-12
First Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1 Day ISS - 5 Days OSS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1 Day ISS - 5 Days OSS
Second Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 5-10 Days OSS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 5-10 Days OSS

Failure to Care for or Return District Property

Loss of, failure to return, or damage to district property including, but not limited to, books, computers, calculators, uniforms, and sporting and instructional equipment.

Grades 7-8 Grades 9-12
First Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • Restitution
  • Loss of Privilege Principal/Student Conference
  • 1 Day ISS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • Restitution
  • Loss of Privilege Principal/Student Conference
  • 1 Day ISS
Second Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • Restitution
  • Loss of Privilege
  • 3 Days ISS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • Restitution
  • Loss of Privilege
  • 3 Days ISS
  • Driving Privileges Suspended

Failure to Meet or Serve Conditions of Detention/Suspension

Violating the conditions of a suspension, expulsion or other disciplinary consequence including, but not limited to, participating in or attending any district-sponsored activity or being on or near district property or the location where a district activity is held.

As required by law, when the district considers suspending a student for an additional period of time or expelling a student for being on or within 1,000 feet of district property during a suspension, consideration shall be given to whether the student poses a threat to the safety of any student or district employee and whether the student's presence is disruptive to the educational process or undermines the effectiveness of the district's discipline policy. Report to law enforcement for trespassing if expelled.

Grades 7-8 Grades 9-12
First Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1-3 Days ISS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1-3 Days ISS
Second Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 3-5 Days ISS
  • Driving Privileges Suspended
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 3-5 Days ISS
  • Driving Privileges Suspended
Third and Subsequent Offenses
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 5 Days ISS-10 Days OSS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 5 Days ISS-10 Days OSS
  • Driving Privileges Suspended

Falsification of Information of Records

Giving False Information /Falsifying School Records Offense

Falsely altering any record maintained by the Couch R-I School District; or filing, processing or using false information with the district with the intent to deceive district personnel.

Grades 7-8 Grades 9-12
First Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1-5 Days Detention
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1-5 Days Detention
Second Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 5-10 Days Detention
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 5-10 Days Detention
Third Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1-5 Days ISS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1-5 Days ISS
Fourth Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 5-10 Days ISS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 5-10 Days ISS
  • Driving Privileges Suspended

Forgery Offense

Conduct that consists of making and/or using a signed document that is purported to have been signed by another. School Police Report may be required.

Grades 7-8 Grades 9-12
First Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1-5 Days Detention
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1-5 Days Detention
Second Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 5-10 Days Detention
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 5-10 Days Detention
Third Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1-5 Days ISS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1-5 Days ISS
Fourth Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 5-10 Days ISS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 5-10 Days ISS
  • Driving Privileges Suspended

Filing a False Emergency Report

Knowingly giving false information to any law enforcement officer, security officer, fire department officer, school district employee or other person who deals with emergencies that an emergency is occurring or has occurred. Filing a False Emergency Report is divided into two offense categories.

Class I Filing a False Emergency Report Offense

Filing a False Emergency Report that does not disrupt any educational, extracurricular activity or the school environment such as a false 911 call. School Police Report is required.

Grades 7-8 Grades 9-12
First Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1-5 Days OSS
  • Charges filed
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1-5 Days OSS
  • Charges filed
Second Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 10 Days OSS
  • Charges filed
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 10 Days OSS
  • Charges filed

Class II Filing a False Emergency Report Offense

Filing a False Emergency Report that disrupts an educational or extracurricular activity or the school environment such as pulling a fire alarm or making a bomb threat. School Police Report is required.

Grades 7-8 Grades 9-12
First Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 10 Days OSS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 10 Days OSS


Conduct that violates Board of Education policies ABC, Staff and Student Harassment; ACAB, Sexual Harassment-Students; JFCF, Hazing and Bullying; or GBH, Staff/Student Relations. Harassment is divided into four offense categories.

Inappropriate Non-Physical Harassment Offense

Harassment that is inappropriate verbal, written or nonverbal, non-physical conduct such as demeaning comments or jokes concerning a person’s race, color, religion, sex, national origin or disability, or requests for sexual favors, sexual advances or other non-physical conduct of a sexual nature.

Grades 7-8 Grades 9-12
First Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1-3 Days ISS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1-3 Days ISS
Second Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 3-5 Days ISS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 3-5 Days ISS
  • Driving Privileges Suspended
Third and Subsequent Offenses
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 5-10 days ISS-1-5 days OSS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 5-10 days ISS-1-5 days OSS
  • Driving Privileges Suspended

Inappropriate Physical Harassment Offense

Harassment that is physical in nature including hazing or physical tormenting of a person because of the person’s race, color, religion, sex, national origin or disability, or conduct such as "pantsing", or physical sexual advances or other physical conduct of a sexual nature that does not constitute sexual misconduct. Inappropriate Physical Harassment Offense may qualify as a Safe Schools Violation and require administration to notify staff members on a need-to-know basis.

Grades 7-8 Grades 9-12
First Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1-5 Days OSS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1-5 Days OSS
Second Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 5-10 Days OSS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 5-10 Days OSS
Third and Subsequent Offenses
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 10 Days OSS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 5-10 Days OSS

Bullying and/or Cyberbullying

Intimidation or harassment of a student or multiple students perpetuated by individuals or groups. Bullying includes, but is not limited to; physical actions, including violence, gestures, theft, or damaging property; oral or written taunts, including name-calling, put-downs, extortion, or threats; or threats of retaliation for reporting such acts. Bullying may also include cyberbullying or cyber threats. Cyberbullying is sending or posting harmful or cruel text or images using the Internet or other digital communication devices. Cyber threats are online materials that threaten or raise concerns about violence against others, suicide or self-harm. The juvenile office and/or law enforcement may be contacted at any level. Bullying that occurs on the bus will also result in bus suspension during the time of ISS.

Grades 7-8 Grades 9-12
First Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1-3 days ISS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1-3 Days ISS
Second Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 3-5 Days ISS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 5-7 Days ISS
  • Driving Privileges Suspended
Third and Subsequent Offenses
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 5-10 Days ISS – 10 Days OSS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 7-10 Days ISS – 10 Days OSS
  • Driving Privileges Suspended

Hazing Offense

Any activity, on or off district grounds, that a reasonable person believes would negatively impact the mental or physical health or safety of a student or put the student in a ridiculous, humiliating, stressful or disconcerting position for the purposes of initiation, affiliation, admission, membership or maintenance of membership in any group, class, organization, club or athletic team including, but not limited to, a grade level, student organization or district-sponsored activity. Hazing may include those actions that subject a student to extreme mental stress including, but not limited to, sleep deprivation, physical confinement, forced conduct that could result in extreme embarrassment or criminal activity, or other stress-inducing activities. Hazing may also include, but is not limited to, acts of physical brutality, whipping, beating, branding, exposing to the elements, forced consumption of any food, liquor, drug or other substance; forcing inhalation or ingestion of tobacco products; or any other forced physical activity that could adversely affect the physical health or safety of an individual. Hazing may occur even when all students involved are willing participants. Hazing does not occur when a student is required to audition or tryout for an organization when the criteria are reasonable, approved by the district and legitimately related to the purpose of the organization.

Grades 7-8 Grades 9-12
First Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 3 Days OSS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 3 Days OSS
Second Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 4-10 Days OSS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 4-10 Days OSS
Third and Subsequent Offenses
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 10 Days OSS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 10 Days OSS

Inappropriate Apparel

All dress code procedures will adhere to health and safety codes and comply with applicable law. Dress that materially disrupts the educational environment will be prohibited. No procedure will impose dress and grooming rules based on gender in violation of Title IX. Failure to comply with the administrator’s request to change attire will result in disciplinary consequences for insubordination and/or disrespect.

Grades 7-8 Grades 9-12
First Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • Change of Attire
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • Change of Attire
Second Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • Change of Attire
  • Detention
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • Change of Attire
  • Detention
Third and Subsequent Offenses
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • Change of Attire
  • 1 Day ISS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • Change of Attire
  • 1 Day ISS

Inappropriate Language and Obscene Gestures

Obscenities and/or name calling do not show respect for the rights of others. Students showing this type of behavior will be subject to the following offenses.

Grades 7-8 Grades 9-12
First Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1 Day Detention
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1 Day Detention
Second Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 3-5 Days Detention
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 3-5 Days Detention
Third and Subsequent Offenses
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 5-10 Days Detention
  • 5 Days ISS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 5-10 Days Detention
  • 5 Days ISS

Nuisance Items

Possession or use of items such as toys, games, and portable media players that are not authorized for educational purposes.

Grades 7-8 Grades 9-12
First Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • Confiscation
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • Confiscation
Second and Subsequent Offenses
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • Confiscation
  • 1-10 Days Detention
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • Confiscation
  • 1-10 Days Detention

Public Display of Affection

Physical contact that is inappropriate for the school setting including, but not limited to, kissing and groping. See page 57.

Grades 7-8 Grades 9-12
First Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1 Day Detention
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1 Day Detention
Second and Subsequent Offenses
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • Confiscation
  • 3-10 Days Detention
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • Confiscation
  • 3-10 Days Detention

Sexual Misconduct

Sexual Misconduct is divided into four offense categories. School Police Report is required. All Sexual Misconduct Offense categories below may qualify as a Safe Schools Violation and require administration to notify staff members on a need-to-know basis.

Sexting and or Possession of Sexually Explicit, Vulgar, or Violent Materials

Students may not possess or display, electronically or otherwise, sexually explicit, sexually vulgar or sexually violent material including, but not limited to, pornography or depictions of nudity, sexual violence or sexually explicit death or injury. This prohibition does not apply to curricular material that has been approved by district staff for its educational value. Students will not be disciplined for speech in situations where it is protected by law.

Grades 7-8 Grades 9-12
First Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1-10 Days ISS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1-10 Days ISS
Second and Subsequent Offenses
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1-10 Days OSS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1-10 Days OSS

Class I – Sexual Misconduct

The exhibitionist, video, digital, or print display of a person’s genitals, buttocks or the female breasts. Drawing of and/or creating a person's genitals, buttocks or the female breasts.

Grades 7-8 Grades 9-12
First Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1-3 days ISS/OSS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1-3 days ISS/OSS
Second Offence
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 3-5 days ISS/OSS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 3-5 days ISS/OSS
  • Driving Privileges Suspended
Third and Subsequent Offenses
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 6-10 Days ISS/OSS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 6-10 Days ISS/OSS
  • Driving Privileges Suspended

Class II – Sexual Misconduct

Conduct that is of a sexual nature by or between students that involves the intentional physical contact with a person’s clothed or unclothed genitals, buttocks or the breasts of a female.

Grades 7-8 Grades 9-12
First Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1-5 Days ISS/OSS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1-5 Days ISS/OSS
Second and Subsequent Offenses
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 6-10 Days ISS/OSS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 6-10 Days ISS/OSS
  • Driving Privileges Suspended

Class III – Sexual Misconduct

Conduct that is of a sexual nature by or between students such as sexual intercourse, oral sex and masturbation.

Grades 7-8 Grades 9-12
First Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 10 Days OSS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 10 Days OSS
Second and Subsequent Offenses
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 10 Days OSS
  • Refer to Superintendent for Additional Suspension
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 10 Days OSS
  • Refer to Superintendent for Additional Suspension

Skipping Class

Cutting class/skipping school is defined as any unauthorized absence from school or class. Students who skip or cut class will receive a discipline consequence, which may include 8th Hour Detention, ISS, suspended parking privileges, etc. Once students arrive on campus for the day, they may not leave campus prior to 3:17 p.m. without following the early dismissal procedures. This rule also applies if a student leaves campus before the official start of the school day. Skipping is considered an unexcused absence and the School Board attendance policy will be followed.

Grades 7-8 Grades 9-12
First Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1-3 Days Detention
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1-3 Days Detention
Second Offence
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 3-5 Days Detention
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 3-5 Days Detention
Third Offence
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1-3 Days ISS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1-3 Days ISS
Fourth and Subsequent Offenses
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 3-5 Days ISS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 3-5 Days ISS
  • Driving Privileges Suspended


Students must be in their assigned class or lunch period prior to the tardy bell. In general, road construction, traffic congestion, normal weather conditions, flat tires, and other “personal” issues are not acceptable reasons for being tardy. Students who accumulate more than 5 tardy violations per semester will be assigned consequences as follows:

Grades 7-8 Grades 9-12
6-10 Tardies
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1 Day ISS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1 Day ISS
Subsequent Offenses
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1 Day ISS + An Additional Day for Each Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1 Day ISS + An Additional Day for Each Offense
  • Driving Privileges Suspended


Taking property of the Couch R-I School District or others.

Class I Theft

Conduct that involves a theft of property that has a market value or replacement cost of less than one hundred dollars ($100.00) in the opinion of the building administration.

Grades 7-8 Grades 9-12
First Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • Restitution
  • 1-10 Days ISS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • Restitution
  • 1-10 Days ISS
Second Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • Restitution
  • 1-5 Days OSS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • Restitution
  • 1-5 Days OSS
Third and Subsequent Offenses
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • Restitution
  • 6-10 Days OSS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • Restitution
  • 6-10 Days OSS

Class II Theft

Conduct that involves a theft of property that has a market value or replacement cost of one hundred dollars ($100.00) or more in the opinion of the building administration. School Police Report is required.

Grades 7-8 Grades 9-12
First Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • Restitution
  • 1-5 Days OSS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • Restitution
  • 1-5 Days OSS
Second Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • Restitution
  • 6-10 Days OSS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • Restitution
  • 6-10 Days OSS

Receiving Stolen Property

Conduct that involves receiving, retaining or disposing of property of another person, for the purpose of, or having the effect of depriving the person of the property and with the knowledge or belief that the property was stolen. School Police Report is required.

Grades 7-8 Grades 9-12
First Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1 Day ISS - 3 Days OSS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1 Day ISS - 3 Days OSS
Second Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 3-5 Days OSS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 3-5 Days OSS
Third and Subsequent Offenses
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 6-10 Days OSS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 6-10 Days OSS


Possession or use of any tobacco products, electronic cigarettes, or other nicotine-delivery products on district property, district transportation or at any district activity. Nicotine patches or other medications used in a tobacco cessation program may only be possessed in accordance with district policy JHCD.

Grades 7-8 Grades 9-12
First Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1-3 Days ISS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1-3 Days ISS
Second Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 2-4 Days ISS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 2-4 Days ISS
  • Driving Privileges Suspended
Third Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 3-5 Days ISS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 3-5 Days ISS
  • Driving Privileges Suspended
Fourth and Subsequent Offenses
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 5-10 Days ISS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 5-10 Days ISS
  • Driving Privileges Suspended


All Weapons offense categories below may qualify as a Safe Schools Violation and require administration to notify staff members on a need-to-know basis. For the purposes of our policy, a knife does not include any ordinary "pocket knife" with no blade more than four inches in length (571.010.12). Any knife with a blade less than four inches will be defined as a weapon IF it is used to injure or threaten or to damage property. School Police Report may be required.

Class I Weapons Offense

Possession or use of any weapon as defined in Board policy JFCJ #3, #4, and #5:

  • A dangerous weapon as defined in 18 U.S.C. § 930(g)(2).
  • All knives and any other instrument or device used or designed to be used to threaten or assault, whether for attack or defense.
  • Any object designed to look like or imitate a device as described in 1-4
Grades 7-8 Grades 9-12
First Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1 Day ISS - 10 Days OSS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1 Day ISS - 10 Days OSS
Second Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 3 Day ISS - 10 Days OSS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 3 Day ISS - 10 Days OSS
  • Driving Privileges Suspended
Third and Subsequent Offenses
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1-10 Days OSS
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1-10 Days OSS

Class II Weapons Offense

Possession or use of any weapon as defined in Board policy JFCJ #1 and #2. (This constitutes a Safe Schools Violations. A School Police Report is required.)

  • A firearm as defined in 18 U.S.C. § 921.
  • A blackjack, concealable firearm, firearm, firearm silencer, explosive weapon, gas gun, knife, knuckles, machine gun, projectile weapon, rifle, shotgun, spring gun, switchblade knife, as these terms are defined in § 571.010, RSMo.
Grades 7-8 Grades 9-12
First Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1 calendar year OSS and/or expulsion, modified by the Board upon recommendation by the superintendent.
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1 calendar year OSS and/or expulsion, modified by the Board upon recommendation by the superintendent.
Second Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • Expulsion
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • Expulsion

Possession of or Use of Ammunition or a Weapon Component of a Weapon

Grades 7-8 Grades 9-12
First Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1-180 days OSS or Expulsion
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1-180 days OSS or Expulsion
Second Offense
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1-180 days OSS with recommendation for extended suspension and/or expulsion.
  • Conference w/Administrator
  • 1-180 days OSS with recommendation for extended suspension and/or expulsion.
