Couch R-I Student Handbook


Punctual attendance is both a sign of respect toward both the teacher and the other students in the classroom; it is also part of a student's accountability toward his/her studies. Punctual attendance is important – and not attending punctually (or being tardy) is not only discouraged, it is a violation of school policy that can’t be ignored nor tolerated. When a student is tardy to class he/she will be sent to the principal to obtain a slip to be admitted to class. Students who arrive at school any time after the first period begins, including between periods, shall report to the principal’s office and obtain an admit slip.

A student is considered tardy if he/she arrives after 7:45 a.m. Students who are tardy to school must check in at the office. Students who are tardy more than five (5) days per semester, will be required to serve noon detention for each subsequent tardy. For attendance purposes, 4 tardies per quarter equal 1 absence.
