Couch R-I Student Handbook


1st Offense: During season the student-athlete will be required to meet with their coach and fulfill any disciplinary procedure required to meet team membership expectations (i.e. conditioning, loss of playing time, cleaning of locker room, etc.) Out of season student-athlete and non-athletes will be required to meet with administration along with parent/guardian. Non-athlete students will be required to meet with the sponsor of any club/organization to fulfill any disciplinary procedure required to meet membership.

2nd Offense: During season the student-athlete will be suspended from competition for 7 consecutive days. Out of season the student will serve their suspension beginning with the first week of competition of their next competitive season. Non-athletes will be suspended from all club/organization activities for 7 consecutive days. Non-athlete students will be required to meet with the sponsor of any club/organization to fulfill any disciplinary procedure required to meet membership.

3rd Offense: During season the student will be suspended from competition for the remainder of the season or no less than 30 days with any balance of the 30 days carried over to their next season of competition. Out of season student will serve their suspension beginning with the first week of competition of their next competitive season for 30 days. Non-athletes will be suspended from all club/organization activities for 30 consecutive days. Non-athlete students will be required to meet with the sponsor of any club/organization to fulfill any disciplinary procedure required to meet membership.

4th Offense: Student, in or out of season, will be suspended from participation in all athletic/clubs and organizations 60 days. Non-athlete students will be required to meet with the sponsor of any club/organization to fulfill any disciplinary procedure required to meet membership.

THC vaping will be treated as drug offense and subject to Alcohol/Drug violation as stated in Couch High School Handbook, in addition to above.

*All the above disciplinary procedures are in addition to Couch High School Student Handbook policy.
