Couch R-I Student Handbook

Message from the Elementary Principal

Dear Parents, Guardians, and Students;

On behalf of the family at Couch R-1 School District, we would like to welcome you to the new school year at Couch R-1 Elementary. We look forward to working with the children at Couch R-1 Elementary. We, the administration, faculty and staff, are committed to providing a high quality, well-rounded education in the safest of environments to our students. Each child’s educational success is dependent upon the hard work of the educator and child, along with the cooperation and support of the parent/guardian/community. Couch R-1 Elementary stands committed to the achievement of this mission.

As we continue to create 21st-century leaders, we must strive to keep technology as an instructional resource at our school. With the integration of technology into the classroom, children are taught using a project based method of instruction which encourages, creativity, collaboration, and critical thinking. All classrooms are set up with Chromebooks for every child to complement their learning experiences.

We encourage our parents and community members to be involved in our school activities. We believe that when support extends beyond the classroom walls, children can achieve even greater success. Our teachers and staff are focused on making learning a positive experience, helping children become successful and responsible citizens.

As a parent you are your child’s most important teacher. Here are some things you can do to help your children be successful:

  1. Show you care. Your child needs hugs and words of support. Ask your child about school each day.
  2. Read, read, read! Read with your child or have him or her read every day. Make it fun-- talk about what you've read.
  3. Make home a place for learning. Help your child practice reading, writing, math and science skills. Stimulate your child's creativity.
  4. Promote healthy habits. Make sure your child gets plenty of sleep and exercise and eats balanced meals. Schedule regular check-ups.
  5. Be a role model. Your child learns from you. Be positive about education and show you enjoy learning.
  6. Encourage independence. Allow your child to make mistakes and learn to accept their consequences. Give your child responsibilities, such as household chores.
  7. Create a study routine. Set a time and quiet place for your child to work every day. Go over homework together.
  8. Get involved. Meet with your child's teacher, attend school events and help out at school if you can.
  9. Build success. Help raise your child's self-esteem by setting reachable goals and praising your child's efforts, not just results.
  10. Make school important. Insist on good attendance and punctuality.

We are looking forward to an exciting year. TOGETHER we will make this a great year for the children of Couch R-1 Elementary.

Rachel Wiggs
Rachel Wiggs
Elementary Principal